65) Yolo

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The fresh spring air flew through my blonde locks as I stepped out of my last class of the day. Inhaling deeply, I felt my previous stress from school slowly dissipate as soon as I exhaled. Right when I thought I could finally take a moment to myself and relax, a heavy weight landed over my shoulders, and I was tugged into a hard body. My breathing was partially cut off by the invading smell of weed and body spray as my face was shoved into a chest, so I tried my best to wiggle out of the apparent grip I was trapped in.

Pushing myself away from the being, I looked up at them and a frown immediately took over my expression. "Michael!" I exclaimed, shoving him away as he laughed.

"I was told to retrieve you to pregame," he says in a posh accent, holding out his hand for me to take.

I cock up an eyebrow, hesitantly placing my hand in his. "Pregame for what? Packing?"

"Dayna already packed your bags, so," he paused to tug me beside him and begin walking towards Luke's fraternity, "we're pregaming for the ride to the airport which should get us sloshed enough for the plane ride too, then by the time we land, we'll be sober again."

I rolled my eyes, pulling my hand from his in order to adjust the bag hanging from my shoulder. "Are you ever sober?" I ask, glancing at him. "Like do I need to get you help?"

"Shut up," he grumbles, shoving me to the side. I laugh, stumbling along as we walk, quickly making it to the frat.

When we walk in, there are a few piles of luggage stacked in the foyer of the fraternity. Stepping up to the familiar bags from my dorm, I go to unzip the suitcase in order to peek at the clothes Dayna picked out for me but was abruptly stopped from doing so. Said friend jutted an arm out in front of me and sandwiched herself between me and the bag.

"Ah, ah, no peeking," she says teasingly, "it's a surprise."

My face drops at her words and I sigh, "I swear if I can't appropriately wear these clothes in public, Dayna, I'll-"

"Relax, El, you'll be able to wear them in public," she interrupts, "some of them anyways."

I shake my head disapprovingly. "Jesus Christ."

"Are we all set for the airport?" Someone asks from the doorway of the kitchen. Turning to the familiar voice, my lips tilt up into a smile as I see Luke.

"Yeah, finally," Calum says, lugging a bag over his shoulder, and making his way toward the door.

"I thought we were pregaming," I say, furrowing my eyebrows when the others start grabbing their bags.

Ashton walks passed me, snickering. "Who said that?"

"Michael," I drag out, following the boy as he scampers off into the kitchen. His fingers quickly twist off the top of a Hypnotic bottle and pour the blue liquid into a shot glass. When he offers me the small glass, I hesitantly reach out to take it, glancing up at him. "Don't you think this is a bad idea?"

He snorts, jerking the glass towards me again to nudge my hand. "If I thought it was a bad idea, do you think I'd be doing it?"

"Actually, yes," I interject, finally deciding to make up my mind while wrapping my fingers around the shot glass. "But that doesn't mean it won't be fun."

Actually, it did mean it wouldn't be fun. When we were at the airport checking in for our flight, Michael almost wasn't able to board the plane due to his absurd behavior in the facility. I was saved by the good graces of Luke and lifted onto his back in order to avoid drawing attention to my swayed walking. Michael, unfortunately, had ran into several people and tripped over a couple cracks in the floor which then caused me to giggle uncontrollably.

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