5) No one likes a prude

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The weekend passed in a blur. I hadn't left my dorm since Friday, deciding to stay inside to finish my homework. Although, it was just an excuse to keep myself from socializing. It was a cycle; I would be friends with people then push them away once they seemed to want me around. Michael didn't have my number, so he had been emailing me through the school's email for the past two days. He'd ask if I want to join him at the coffee shop, or at the quad for an event Saturday night. I didn't respond. Maybe he'd assume that I don't check my email, but that would be absurd considering I was a good student.

A knock at the door disturbed my thoughts. Sighing, I uncovered myself from the quilted blankets that I decorated the uncomfortable mattress with once I moved in. Trudging over to the door, I hesitantly opened it and instantly regretted my decision. A pretty brunette stood in front of it with a nervous look on her face. Without another thought, my arm swung the door back shut as I leaned against the wood to keep it closed.

"Come on, Ellie! I just want to talk!" She exclaimed, twisting the knob from the outside. One of my hands reached down and grabbed it to keep the metal from turning. I was never a strong person, so my attempts of keeping said girl out of my room had failed and she came stumbling into the room, knocking me backwards into the center of the room. I gained my balance back and glared at the girl.

"What do you want, Zoey?" I snapped, my heart beating rapidly from the sudden onset of vulnerability. She was breathing heavily from the amount of pushing she had to do in order to let herself in.

"Why have you been avoiding me?"

I was slightly shocked by her question. "You haven't talked to me in three years and you're asking me that question?"

"I just- I don't get why you don't like me anymore."

I crossed my arms over my chest, straightening my posture. "What made you think that?" Of course I don't like her- not anymore at least.

"You deleted all of the pictures of us on all your social media."

"I don't have anyone from Portland on social media."

"You still had me." She says, almost in a whisper.

"I must've forgot." I say in a sarcastic manner. Zoey sighs at my answer and steps farther into the room, shutting the door. My body tenses, and I gulp.

"Why are you acting like that? We were best friends for years. Did that not mean anything to you? I understand that I didn't reach out, but I-"

"Do you seriously not remember?" I ask, disbelief laced in my tone. I shake my head in disappointment.

"Remember what?"

Anger boils in my chest as I attempt not to blow up, but the deep breaths I had been taking weren't working. "I can't believe you."


"You stole my boyfriend!"

Zoey's eyes widen as I shout at her, and I can sense her cower slightly. "I-I don't remember."

"Actually, you did more than that. I had been dating him forever, and I always had a feeling that you liked him. It didn't make sense at first, why he dumped me, because he had told me he loved me. We had something good, but you ruined that with your short skirts and flirting."


"No, you know what you did! You weren't even a good friend!"

"No one likes a prude!" She exclaimed. Once the words left her lips, my eyes were wide, and her hands had shot over her mouth in a way to try to take back the words she said. "El, I didn't mean to-"

"Get out of my room."

"No, please."

"Get out!" I yell, pointing to the door. Zoey huffs before turning her back to me and exiting the room. It was only seven in the morning.

I had gotten to Psych class slightly early and was surprised to see that Luke was already sitting in the seat next to mine with his phone in his hand. As soon as the door squeaked open, his head shot up and his eyes met mine. I shyly waved in his direction as he smiled at me. My heart pounded against my chest as I went and sat next to him.

"Good morning." He said chirpily.

"Morning," I mumbled.

"How was the rest of your weekend?" My eyebrows furrowed at his question, and I wondered where the cocky, douchebag Luke went. The one that thought he was better than everybody.

"Uh, it was good. How about you?" It only seemed like the friendly thing to do- was to ask how his weekend was as well.

"It was awesome. We threw another party on Saturday, sad that you missed out."

I rolled my eyes. "I wasn't missing out on anything."

His shoulder nudged mine as I smiled at the gesture. "Keep telling yourself that." The professor walked into the room, greeted the class, then began writing our assignment up on the board. Luke's arm bumped mine in order to get my attention. "Are you free sometime this week?"

My cheeks reddened at his question. "No- I mean, um... I don't know. Why?"

Luke had a smirk on his face as I stuttered. "Well, I was going to see if you'd be able to tutor me. If you're still up for that?" For some reason, his words had me clenching my thighs together. I wasn't a sexual person, except for the time I lost my virginity. But we won't talk about that.

"I will, but only if you're serious about this." I say, my eyes narrowing at him.

His hands rose in defense, but I didn't believe him. "Completely serious."


"Well, I have practice and some fraternity events to do for the next two days, but if you want to come over Wednesday around 7, that'll work." I attempt to wrap my mind around the plan before nodding my head.

"Wait, to the frat?"

He shrugs. "You've been there before. The guys won't mind." Somehow, I find a different meaning behind his words, and I cringe on the inside. Gross.

Safety Net {l.r.h}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें