44) Medication

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A/N: There are mentions of mental disorders in this chapter, just a little TW. 


Ellie and I made our way downstairs to greet her dad who was standing in the kitchen, talking to Joyce with his arms crossed over his chest confidently. They were mid-conversation when we walked through the doorway. Nervousness sat in my chest as I stood behind Ellie as if she'd shield me from them.

"Dad, this is Luke. My boyfriend," Ellie says shyly, gesturing to my tall form. "Luke, this is my dad, Ryan."

I stepped forward, offering a friendly smile and holding out a hand for him to shake. He hesitantly does so but has a firm grip on my hand as he shakes it with respect. "Nice to meet you, Luke. I'm sure Ellie's been a handful," he says, but it doesn't sound joking.

I shake my head, "not at all. Your daughter's great."

Ryan sends me a close-mouthed smile, "sure she is." My eyebrows furrow and I look to the girl standing next to me, but she's looking off to the side instead of paying attention. "So, I'm sure your mother's told you that Will is coming home tomorrow, right?" He looks to his daughter and releases my hand, tucking it in his pocket.

Ellie's eyes widen as her head turns to him, "oh! No, she didn't mention it."

"Well, I hope you're not planning on leaving right after dinner tomorrow, he's going to be staying here for a few days."

She stayed silent, chewing on the inside of her cheek. I could feel the tension in the air. This house didn't feel like a home at all. Her parents were almost like strangers. As soon as shit hits the fan, I'm putting in my two cents and getting my pretty girl out of here. I understand why she didn't want to come in the first place.

We had all sat down to eat take-out Chinese food that her mom had ordered while we were upstairs since she said she "didn't want to cook a huge meal right before thanksgiving." So here I am, spooning rice into my mouth while listening to Ellie and her parents "reminisce" about the old days when really all their remarks were backhanded.

"Luke, did Ellie ever tell you that she used to be a dancer?" Her mom asked, instantly catching my attention. Holding my hand over my mouth as I chewed, I looked over at Ellie with raised eyebrows.

"Really?" Ellie's face reddened as she slumped further into her seat, pushing her dinner forward.

"Yeah, she was really good. Had first place trophies for years, but you know she-"

"Mom," Ellie said accusingly.

Joyce scoffed, rolling her eyes, "it's not like having anxiety is a rare thing, Ellie. You take medication," she states as if it were no big deal. My eyes widen and I find the girl beside me with her lip harshly getting dug into by her teeth. I had absolutely no idea that Ellie was on any type of medication, nor have I seen her take any. "For a few things." Joyce finishes, catching me off guard even more.

When Ellie doesn't answer her, Joyce sighs. "Have you been taking them?"

"No," the blonde says quietly, cowering down. "I don't like how they make me feel."

"Baby, you've got to take your pills." Her mom shakes her head, picking up some pieces of orange chicken with her fork. "Luke, did you know she was on medication?"

I open my mouth to speak, but as soon as I'm about to, Ellie's chair screeches throughout the room as she abruptly stands from the table and exits the room. Next, I hear the front door close and the sudden drop of dining utensils on the glass plates. Ryan lets out a long exhale as his fingers tap against the table. Joyce's eyes are glued to Ellie's empty chair as if she wasn't sure what she said that would've made her leave.

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