10) My peen?

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I had convinced Ellie to let me drive us in her car back to her dorm for her to change into some clothes. I sat there in the vehicle, tapping my fingers against the steering wheel with anticipation sitting in my chest. I could only imagine what clothes she picked out to wear. But she's not like that. Hell, the only confirmation I got about her thinking I was remotely attractive was forcing it out of her. This whole bet isn't going very well. Once Michael told Ashton about the bet, he wasn't too fond of it. He had threatened to tell Ellie, but I knew he wouldn't. Ashton's one of my close friends and he wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that. As I was stuck in my thoughts, the passenger door opened, and a pair of bare legs came into view. Ellie climbed into the seat and placed her bag in the backseat. A light pink racerback top decorated her top half while a pair of tight athletic shorts were hugging her hips. After she cleared her throat, my eyes darted up to hers.

"Sorry it took so long; I didn't have much."

"Oh, your clothes are perfect." I say more sexually than I would've liked but didn't say anything further in hopes that she would just brush off my words. Thankfully she did.

"So, you work out, huh?"

"Yep." I could feel the tension in the air. This is weird, isn't it? I can literally feel the tightness in my shorts. Holy shit, I'm a pig. I haven't gone this long without sex since freshmen year of high school. And now that I'm thinking about it, that sounds really bad. Fuck, and our performance is tonight on the quad.

I hadn't realized that I had pulled into the parking lot until the passenger door slammed shut. I took the keys out of the ignition and dropped them down into my shorts pocket before adjusting the fabric against my waist. Sighing, I followed the girl inside and felt relief when I saw her talking to a fellow friend of mine at the counter. He looked up just as I entered, and he flashed me a smile.

"She with you, Hemmo?" He asked. I looked down at the blonde who had a red tint on her cheeks as she chewed on her lip.

"Yeah, she's with me."

"Well, let me know if you need anything, I'm Harry." He said to her, extending a welcoming hand out. Although, I knew it was more than welcoming. And as if reading my mind, he looked up at me. "No charge."

Raising my eyebrows, I nodded my head towards the gym, "right, well I'll be benching. Ellie, you coming?" She turned to me, seeming to not see me catch her in the act of scanning my figure. Was it intentional? Was it just a habit? Was-

"Yeah, I'll be just a second." Her response caught me off guard since she didn't seem to have muscles at all. I assumed that she'd just be talking to Harry the whole time- not that it bothered me or anything... Okay, it bothered me a little bit. After a minute or two, Ellie had joined me at the benching station, her arms crossed over her chest as her face contorted with confusion.

"Please tell me you know how to bench. I swear, it's-"

"Psh, of course I know how to bench!" She exclaimed, taking a seat on the leather cushioning of the machinery.

"Okay then, how much weight do you want on your bar?"

"What bar?" She asked, looking around. I sighed, rolling my eyes. Clearly, she's never done this before. Instinctively, I grabbed one of her feet and swung it over the other side of the bench before placing my palms on her shoulders. Pushing her down, I let her back fall gently against the surface in hopes I didn't hurt her. As it seems I must show her how to bench, I only put five pounds of weight on either side. That should be easy enough.

Scooting behind the equipment, I became her spotter in order to lift. I stood nearly right above her head. Although, I think our positioning is a bit awkward, and I hope she doesn't see it that way. The small thought of her seeing it in a sinful way just made my stomach turn. "Grab this bar." I spoke from above her. Ellie's head snapped up at my voice, and surprisingly, her eyes went straight to my junk. I smirked. "Not that one."

"Oh my god. I swear I'll leave." She threatens while attempting to get up. I swiftly press her shoulders back against the bench as her eyes widen.

"Okay, I won't make those comments anymore."

"Yes, you will." Ellie argues back. I hold back a laugh as I stare down at her.

"At least while we're here, but once we leave those doors, I'm back at it." I grinned.

"I should get you a douchebag jar." She scoffs, rolling her eyes. My jaw slacks as I cock my head to the side.

"A what?"

Ellie giggled. "I'll make you one, it'll be a present from me." My heart warms at her laugh. Nothing carried more happiness than the lips on her face that were pulled into a smile ninety percent of the time. It was contagious.

"I'll be waiting."

"Tonight, at the performance. You'll have it then."

Making plans head of time in thought of me. Something I know only girls do once they're interested. My chances of getting with her before the season ends increased ever so slightly. I had yet to completely figure her out.

Our eyes had been boring into one another's for a few moments, and like a douchebag would do, I broke it. "Alright, let's get those muscles pumping."

We had worked out for over an hour before I recognized her body's fatigue. My eyes were trained on her for much of the time, but she didn't need to know that. It'd make me look vulnerable. Ellie had on the smallest shorts imaginable, and when she did squats- Oh god, don't get me started on that.

"Oh, and for the record," she said as soon as we exited the gym. "It was right in my face."

I turned to her with furrowed eyebrows. "Huh?"

"You know... When we were benching."

"What do you mean?" I knew it irked her for me to play dumb, but it got her out of her social comfort zone to talk about these things. For the past few weeks that I've known Ellie, she's not very confrontational (unless she's drunk), and she hates awkward topics of conversation. Much like this one. I must take her out of her comfort zone, right?

"You clearly noticed when I was looking at it."

"And what exactly is it?"

"Oh m- Your dick! Your junk, your peen, your cock, your 'pole.' Whatever you wanna call it."

"My peen?" I choked out a laugh. Never in my life...

"Of course, that's the only thing you got from that."

"Oh, trust me, it's not. Did you want me to say the other things I got from it?"

"No, but you're gonna say it anyways."

I chuckled shaking my head. We were walking out to her car as we talked, me letting her crawl in the driver's seat. "You were actually looking at my junk."

"You act like no one ever has. I mean when you put it in their face, it's bound to happen."

"But you," I say, pointing at the girl. "It's different when you do it."

Ellie grinned, giggling. "Oh how romantic," she joked. 

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