45) Do You Have Fifty Bucks?

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A/N: Omg look at herrrrrr she's so pretty bro. Anyway, this chapter is a lot longer than most of them and you'll see why.


I had dressed up in a black corduroy dress with a white turtleneck underneath and my off-brand doc martins covering my feet. Half my hair was clipped back away from my face and my makeup was lightly done.

I smoothed out my dress once more, double-checking my appearance in the mirror to make sure I looked good enough for my parents, and my brother for when he gets here. Hearing footsteps approach, I thought nothing of it and adjusted the clip in my hair again to make sure it was in place.

"Wow, you've grown," I hear from the doorway. The voice was familiar, so I turned my head to see who it was and was met with Will in a plain white dress shirt and black dress pants. His hair was slicked back which made him look older. My heart thumped against my chest as I looked over his appearance. He seemed a lot bigger than I last remembered and I couldn't help but feel intimidated in the slightest.

"So have you," I say because it was true.

He takes a step closer and opens his arms, "I missed you."

Taking him up on the small opportunity, I closed the gap between us and wrapped my arms around his back, tucking my face in his chest. The slightest bit of love he had to offer was enough for me to feel weak. "I missed you too."

"Let's go get some food, shall we?"

"There's someone I want you to meet first."

"Oh?" I nod, leading him out of my room towards the guest room where Luke resided. The blonde that I was so head over heels for was standing in front of the full-length body mirror checking out his attire.

Luke has on a black button-down with only the top button undone, his chains tucked beneath his shirt that decorated his collar bones nicely. Black jeans and Chelsea boots covered his bottom half.

Needless to say, we both looked good.

He turns around at the sight of my brother and me entering the room. "Luke, this is Will, my brother," I say to him. Turning to Will, I gesture to Luke, "this is my boyfriend."

He smiles in return, looking at my brother and sticking out his hand. "Nice to meet you, I've heard so much about you."

Will glances at me and shakes Luke's hand, "good things I hope."

"Something like that." I have to resist the urge to elbow Luke in the side at the cheap shots he's been taking at my family that they've hardly noticed.

"Well, let's eat, yeah?" I disrupt their conversation before they can get another word out and lead the way downstairs to the kitchen.

My mom was finishing up the meal when we entered. My dad was sat at the dining room table with a newspaper out in front of him, reading glasses sat low on his nose as he read through the articles.

"Will, I see Ellie's introduced you to Luke," my mom observes out loud while turning her head to the side to see us.

"Yeah," Will breathes out, "since when did you start getting interested in men Ellie?"

My face reddened as I pulled out a chair to sit in at the table, Luke sitting next to me. "Since she saw me," Luke jokes. No one laughs except for me, and I look around nervously.

"So, Luke, Ellie said you're a performing arts major?" My dad asked and Luke nods in confirmation.

"Yeah, I am."

"Where do you plan on going with that?"

I inwardly groan, "dad, come on."

He looks at me in disbelief, "what- can I not ask questions?"

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