53) Bong Virginity

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I sat in the front row seats of the theater watching as my four best friends performed on stage while Dayna stood in front of the stage with a bag of small plastic dinosaur toys in her hand, throwing them at the boys.

"Boo, you guys fucking suck!" She yells at them, throwing a dinosaur at Calum which he attempts to dodge, but it bounces off his back as he turns.

How and why, she had the bag of dinosaur toys, I had no idea. The reason behind her having something to throw at the boys while they performed was to put them in a scenario where they had hecklers in the crowd. Though I thought it was a bit extreme, I couldn't deny that it wasn't funny.

"Dayna's a dumb bitch," Luke sang into the mic causing the girl to throw a dinosaur at him, "she's so fuckin' mean and she loves Calum's peen, oh-" Before he could go on with the song that he made up on the spot, the girl began to crawl on stage to go after Luke as I cackled from my spot in the theater seats. He took off his guitar, setting it down before taking off, limping around the stage as his knee was still injured from a week ago. The other three joined in on laughing as Luke ran the opposite way of Dayna, dodging equipment before making his way towards me from the set of stairs to the side of the stage.

He quickly sat down next to me before pulling my body from my seat onto his lap, taking my breath away for a second as I wasn't expecting it. "You can't get to me now, I'm protected."

"What's the point of attacking him over the song if it's true?" Cal asked in the microphone, smirking as the girl whipped around to face him. Though, my eyes flicker to Michael knowing that him and Dayna had gone out a few times not too long ago.

Luke's hands find my waist and he pulls me in until my back is pressed against his chest. "Do you wanna go on a drive tonight?" He asks, his mouth hovering near my ear.

"Tonight?" I ask, turning around in his grasp to face him. He nods.

"I have a really nice spot we can park to watch the sunset," he admits, surprising me.

"How cheesy," I comment, giggling. Leaning down, I press a kiss to his lips. "I'd love to."

"Hey lovebirds, it's time to go, we're meeting for lunch at the pizza parlor after our next class," Michael announces. The two of us turn to face him, seeing that everyone has their bags over their shoulders, ready to leave.

Luke and I go the opposite way, walking through the performing arts building in order to stay out of the cold while also giving us something to do to kill time since we didn't have class during this hour. I feel his grip on my hand tighten and I look up to see his performing arts teacher walking towards us in the hallway.

"Luke! Just the person I was looking for!" She exclaims, waving her paper-filled hands in the air with excitement.

His eyebrows furrow as we slow to a stop in front of the short woman, "I am?"

"Of course," she says, glancing at me for a second with hopeful eyes. "I just wanted to discuss some important things with you regarding the band project."

"Oh," he breathes out, "what is it?"

"Do you mind if she listens in? If not it's-"

"She can hear this," he interrupts her, squeezing my hand.

His professor clears her throat and hands him a paper packet. "I wanted to offer you, Michael, Ashton, and Calum an opportunity to go on tour with another group I had picked out of many. I've never seen a group with great chemistry like yours and the songs you've written are amazing. You guys have a lot of potential and I can realistically picture your faces on a billboard in Hollywood."

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