42) Hypothetically

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A/N: Okay, look at this PICTURE. Closely -_-


I sat slumped against the couch with a beer bottle in my right hand and a thigh in my left. Normally, this thigh would belong to some random chick, but thankfully it belonged to my girlfriend who was drunker than I was, laughing her ass off as Ashton and Michael were attempting to take each other down in some sort of wrestling match.

We had all come back to the frat with intentions of drinking until we couldn't see straight, but I couldn't bring myself to do so. I was already so high on happiness from our performance earlier and wanted to let Ellie have some fun since she didn't always get to. I was knocked out of my thoughts as a hand gripped my thigh, and my hazy eyes looked over at the girl next to me.

"Get drunk with me, come on," she begged, leaning into my side with a sigh.

I laugh, resorting to wrapping my arm around her instead of resting it on her thigh. "I'm fine babe, just have fun."

"But I won't have fun unless you're drunk with me." Her bottom lip juts out into a pout and I feel my stomach swirl before I officially decide to give in.

"Fine, but if I have a hangover, you have to take care of me."

A grin replaces the pout as she hands me a bottle of alcohol from the floor, "deal."

I wasn't opposed to getting drunk, but after tonight all I could think about was Ellie and how she made me feel. I wanted nothing more than to be alone with her and tell her how much I appreciated the support she's given me for my music. No one in my life has ever given me the push that she has except for my friends, but it didn't count since they were part of the band- they had to be supportive or else it wouldn't make sense.

A total of forty-five minutes had passed since I started the bottle, not wanting to completely down the whole thing as quickly as possible, but I finished it. By this time, Ellie had also drunk a Four Loko which didn't help her case of being drunk, but I'm glad she felt safe enough to be able to relax around me.

"Let's go upstairs," she whispers in my ear, tugging on my shirt. My eyebrows raised in surprise as I looked around the room at our friends. They were all engrossed in their own drunken conversations, so I allowed Ellie to take the lead as she pulled me to my feet and led us upstairs to my room. Once we had gotten past the door and shut it, Ellie sighed.

I furrowed my eyebrows, attempting to stand straight as opposed to leaning against the wall to stabilize myself. "What's wrong?"

"Is it weird to ask someone to make out with you?" She asks, chewing on the inside of her cheek. "Hypothetically."

I laughed, "uh, hypothetically, no. It's not weird."

A sigh of relief left her lips, and she took a step towards the bed, looking at me expectantly. "Okay, good." She seemed to look deep in thought, and I knew exactly what she wanted. Ellie was an adorable drunk. She wasn't annoying, she didn't cry, and she wasn't overly happy about anything. Although, she got feisty after she had one too many and would lash out at anyone if they made the wrong move, so there's that. But it's hot, so I'm not complaining

I followed her, doing exactly what she was silently wanting me to do because I wanted the same exact thing. I just wanted to be close to her in any way possible. Her back hit the mattress, blonde hair splaying around her head in a beautiful mess. I subconsciously ran my fingers through it, staring down at her as her chest pumps in shallow breaths. Her eyes fluttered shut at the feeling of her hair being played with, and a small smile tugged at her lips.

"You're so gorgeous, you know that?"

One of her eyes opens to look at me and a tinge of pink decorated the apples of her cheeks. Crossing her arms, she raises them to cover her face with them and lets out a giggle. "Stop, you're making me blush."

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