58) Surprise Announcement

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I balanced my phone between my cheek and my shoulder while limping to the elevator in Ellie's dormitory, hands full, pressing the button to open the doors. Christa, the receptionist, waved her fingers at me with a not-so-subtle wink following and I nodded at her to acknowledge her presence.

Then, finally, someone answered my call. "Hel-"

"Does anyone know how to answer the damn phone, or do you guys just hate me that much?" I asked half-jokingly into the speaker, stepping into the now open elevator. I pressed the button for Ellie's floor, glancing down at the bouquet of roses in my left hand.

A scoff sounded from the other side of the phone before my brother's laugh followed, "we were watching the game, asshole. What's up?"

"Ask Mom when she wants me there for Christmas. I have someone for you guys to meet," I say confidently. The thought alone made me giddy.

"So, is this the same girl we hear about a few months ago?" Jack questioned. I could hear his shit-eating grin through the phone, and it made me want to slap him upside the head like I used to. I miss him.

"Maybe," I joke, making my way out of the elevator once it opens for me.

Talking was heard on the other side of the phone for a moment. "Mom said you guys can stay, and I quote, for as long as you'd like," he says, mimicking our mom's voice in a high-pitched tone. "In other words, that means to get your ass here as soon as you get let out for winter break."

I laugh, adjusting the phone against my ear, "good to know. I'll see you in a few days, yeah?"

"Alright. Oh, and mom also said you better not have any surprise announcements."

My eyebrows furrow, "like?"

"She better not be pregnant, Lucas."

"Oh, my fuck," I roll my eyes, finally reaching Ellie's door, "I'm hanging up now."

"Luke, I swear to-" Before Jack could finish his sentence, I hung up the call and pocketed my phone. Bringing that same hand up to her door, I knocked rhythmically against the wood before fixing my hair the best I could with one hand. A few seconds passed before the door opened to reveal Ellie. Her bright blue eyes darted from my face to the bouquet of roses in my hand, a grin stretching across her face.

Blushing, she pointed bashfully at the flowers, "are those for me?"

"Only for you," I say smoothly, extending them out to her. Instead of taking the flowers from my grasp, her arms wrap around my neck as she leans up on the tips of her toes to press her lips to mine. It catches me off guard at first, but my free hand instantly falls to the small of her back to bring us closer together. She sighs against me as our lips move in sync, and I decide to guide us back into her dorm room, shutting the door behind me after I do so.

"I missed you," she mumbles against my lips before slowly pulling away.

I smile, pecking her lips once more, "I missed you," I say softly before bringing the bouquet in between us, "and happy one month anniversary."

Her mouth fell agape at my words as she takes the roses from my grasp, "you remembered?"

"How could I forget?" I ask, taking a seat on her bed as she finds something to put them in. "Since we've been so busy with finals, I'm a few days late, but it was hard to find a time to pick them up without you knowing."

"This is perfect, Lu," she says once she comes back from the bathroom with the roses in a cup of water. "I actually got you something too. It's nothing big, but..." She trails off, walking over to her desk to pick up a small box. Handing it to me, she stands back with anticipation.

Safety Net {l.r.h}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora