Chapter 31

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While silently hiding in the tall grasses with Anwel, Miya watched one of the Dark Elves heading north from where they're currently at. Now that Miya is sure about where he's heading, she needs to follow him so she can figure out the answer she's looking for. The problem is, Anwel will probably not cooperate well enough for her.

After the rest of the Dark Elves were gone out of sight, Miya sat straight back up in the tall grass and looked at Anwel. "Anwel, we need to find an exit out of this place. All you need to do is follow me, and don't worry, I'll keep you safe," Miya assured her. Anwel was silent for a few seconds. It seems like he really doesn't know what should he comply to.

He had long noticed the quiver of arrows and longbow that Miya brought with her. "She's an elf archer. I should be able to trust her, right? " Anwel wondered by himself while still gazing at Miya's eyes silently. Miya blinked for a few times and asked him again. "Anwel, are you okay? Can you follow me?" Anwel bit his lips in nervousity, before making his decision.

"I will."

Miya smiled reassuringly with a hint of guilt. She really doesn't want to pressure the little elf into doing something that could endanger him. But staying put in a place like this could've bring him more harm, she thought; even in a constant hideout. She wished she could've saved the rest of the Steel Elves too, but she knew very well how incapable she is. If only she had more people by her side at the time, she wouldn't have hesitated to save them.

For now, she needs to get Anwel out of here and give him a safe shelter. She looked over to the distance where she planned to go, and nod at Anwel. Anwel nod back, but without the confidence that Miya has in her eyes. While still holding tight into him, both slowly rose from the tall grasses and started walking slowly while lowering their body. The thick fog surrounding the forest really help them to stay hidden even in an open field. Even so, they still need to be aware with their surroundings.

Each step feels like their last. Well, at least that's what Anwel felt. The anxiety of getting caught by the Dark Elves again made his legs tremble. He held into Miya's hand even tighter, sweating hardly. Miya as a skilled adventurer was chiller; even if she was caught, she could easily defend herself. She knew how terrified Anwel is of the Dark Elves. He basically saw his own kind being forcefully turned into the darkness and almost had the same fate. That would be enough to traumatize anyone.

"I need to worry about other things now. First of all, where is Alucard? " She finally thought of him once again. She made a promise with him that they will met up soon after their departure. Instead, she wandered off her trails and is probably worrying him now. "He'll definitely nag me once we met again," Miya sighed by herself. She had been travelling far enough with him to know.

Less than 10 minutes walking, Miya and Anwel could already see the wall. The Dark Elf that Miya wanted to follow was nowhere on sight. She bit her lips. "Dang it, I lost him! " She complained by herself while her eyes went wild. It's hard to figure anything from far the distance with such thick mist around, even with clear eyesight. Now that she lost the elf, how are they going to find a way out now?

Anwel whom was observing Miya all this time notice the sheer worries in her gaze. It was enough to make him worry himself. "Um, Miya...?" He tap Miya's arm so she could notice him. Miya immediately looked at him, unconsciously drawing a smile. "What is it, Anwel?" She asked warmly. Anwel's nervousity decreases as he hears Miya's warm voice. "We're going to be okay, right? I mean, you seems worried just now-"

"Of course we are, Anwel," Miya replied. "I already promised that I'll help you, and I'll definitely make that happen. Promises are my thing," she said proudly. Anwel took out a relieved breath and could finally muster a smile. Miya was glad that Anwel trusted her. If she wanted to lead him out of this place carefully, trust from both parties are a must.

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