Chapter 29

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A few weeks ago

Natalia woke up the earliest among the rest of her squad. Last night, she quietly wandered around the area pf the Floret Fall for an insight of the place. After realizing that there isn't much to see in the Floret Fall, Natalia went down and checked several other nearby areas that she could find.

One that piqued her interest the most was the Vestics' Nest.

After its Queen was officially killed by Benedetta a few days ago, the vast nest stretching as far as the eye could see is now empty and hollow. Of course, Natalia didn't know the event that had occured in this place before; so she assumed that this place had been abandoned right before they reached there.

With careful steps, Natalia went to check the gigantic throne of the Vestic Queen first. She climbed on top of it easily by the help of her massive claw, and found an interesting purple liquid scattered everywhere. "What a weird substance. It smells horribly too." Natalia thought to herself before deciding to take a closer look at the liquid. There are stains on the ground as well; meaning that the rest of the liquid already dried out. It also mean that this place wasn't that long abandoned, if the liquid has something to do with this place that is.

"This liquid was scattered until the top of this throne. By its pattern, it seems like it was throbbed out of something. A body, maybe?" Her investisgation skill began to come out. This is one of the proof of why Natalia's objective rarely managed to escape from her; she's very keen in her observation to make sure that she will always succeed in her missions.

After finished checking the throne seat, Natalia climbed down and moved towards her next objective instead. Although the surrounding is dark as a hell pit, she seems to have an owl's eyes as she could still make out her surrounding quite well. She noticed hundreds of room threaded with wood all around her; these rooms must mean something.

She checked one of the nearest rooms from her. The room is empty as she had expected, with a dry capsule in front of her. The liquid inside the capsule had poured and dried out, this time leaving green stains on the floor. Natalia went to observe it. Even with the different colour, it's still the same liquid she found on the throne. It has to be connected somehow.

She then checked the other rooms one by one. They all contain similar objects inside; a dried out capsule with green stain on its wooden floor. Some of the capsule even had a rotted corpse in it. Some of it are so rotten to the point where its almost unrecognizable. There are humans and other creatures that she managed to identify.

"This entire place is so strange. It's on the same level as the Floret Fall but no light from the sky could go through it. The capsules and the purple stains are also questionable. Perhaps Benedetta knew something about this place; it's impossible for her not to," Natalia summarized her final thoughts. She took a final glance of the place before taking her leave. Other than an unexplainable, odd feeling; eerieness filled this place as well. Before it could get the best of her, she wanted to leave.

She has to ask Benedetta about this place. Her sense is telling her that whatever clue or answer she can get from her discovery, it will help bring them to find Alucard.

~ ~ ~

"Harith, did you see Benedetta?" It was the first question she asked to Harith once she found him. Harith who was carrying breakfast for him, Nana and Belerick thought for a while. "She usually goes out in the morning. No one know where she went to," Harith replied with honesty. Natalia closed her eyes for a second.

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