Chapter 25

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Three weeks had passed ever since Miya was taken back to her home village by Alucard. Ever since that too, they have been training together since their quest isn't yet to be done.

Miya's wound took a whole two weeks to be fully healed. Even by then, it still left a scar on her right arm. This doesn't stop her to continue her practice with her bow and arrow. Her desperation in finishing the quest is still burning fresh inside her heart. With or without Nana and Harith, finishing the quest will bring the best outcome on both sides, especially for the Moon Elves.

They need a King sooner than she thought.

During his stay there, Alucard had told Miya about the upcoming war declared against the Abyss. The Great War has occured for centuries now, and even though their sides won every single time, they never got to extinguish the Abyss as a whole. Instead, these life-sucking creatures retreated back to their shelter in the Abyssal Crack, where they'll prepare for their next return.

He also told her about his late father, who once fought against the Abyss on the latest war. Back then, Alucard's father was nothing more than common soldiers who needs to obey every single order truthfully. When they were told to charge, his father explained how his heart was struck by a great blow. It was the anxiety he and his comrades were holding inside their silver armor, waiting patiently for their order to attack to be delivered.

The war affected the whole Land of Dawn, especially the Moniyan Empire. Days before the horn of war was blown, subjects who lives in the Moniyan Empire were forced to move out somewhere safer towards the north. Knowing the fatal outcome of the war regardless their victory or not, the Northern Vale's people had been more than welcoming to these subjects.

It warms Miya's heart to hear this, as it shows how humanity was still alive even during the worst of time. She had been there once; when everything crumbles around you and there is no one to go to. She doesn't have anyone to cry to, or even any second to mourn against the death of those she treasures. She promised herself that none of the Moon Elves will ever feel such despair again, because she will find them a King to guide and protect them.

~ ~ ~

"Okay, now straighten your arms... no, higher, higher...okay, lower it a bit, a bit more...yes, yes, that's it," Miya was busy giving instructions to Alucard, whose eyes never left the apple on top of a tree stump far in front of him. He was holding a bow and was ready to let go of the arrow more than ever. He was desperate to actually strike the target now.

The sun was a few minutes far to shine exactly above their heads. Alucard had been very curious on learning how to use a bow, so he asked Miya to teach him a thing or two. Miya was a bit dumbfounded at first, but soon agreed. Even so, she never lend him her bow, because she doesn't trust him anyone with it, even Alucard.

Their earlier practice had gone horrible; since their first practice was at the balcony where Miya was currently residing at. Alucard shoot more than 10 arrows, and they all missed the target in front of him. Magically instead, the arrows managed to almost kill the Moon Elves working and walking around. One arrow even popped a ball that was thrown in the air by some playing children. He got the most nags he'd ever had in his entire lifetime.

The days after that, they decided to do the practice in an open field beside the Moonlit River (which they should have done in the first place) for many safety reasons. Miya had shown to him more than once on how to launch the arrows, but Alucard still keeps on missing the actual target and instead hit on something that was supposed to be a harder target. Can you believe how he managed to miss a static apple on a tree stump but hit a random firefly that was supposed to fly faster than a normal one instead?

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