Chapter 33

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After sending Anwel to safety in the Moon Elf's village, Miya and Alucard continued pursuing their quest. They are so close now; one more day worth of walk and they will reach the Enchanted Forest soon.

"What should I say to the Elf's King when he's awake?" Miya asked Alucard as they were sitting by a lit fire, in the middle of a peaceful night. They were cooking some fish by the fire, and Alucard already ate two even before took a bite. "You should worry more on how to wake him up," he said in return, munching on his third fish.

Miya sighed and buried her face in her palms. "Even the thought made me nervous! I should've read more about him in the book back in Eruditio," she said, then remembered exactly why she didn't. "You should've stole the book. It's not like anyone in the library would be interested in it," he said, mouth full.

"Are you crazy? I'm not a thief, not like those two monkeys," she said, brows furrowed at Alucard's words. Alucard just shrugged both his shoulders, and continued eating silently.

Only stars accompany those two souls that night. Not only did they sparkle so brightly in the sky canvas, they are also very beautifully placed, as if hands of God themselves arrange them to draw a pattern. Miya looked at the stars, and thought of people that she dearly loved. Such simple thought is enough to make her smile.

"Did you see something in the sky?" Alucard interrupted her peaceful moment. He is now holding two of the fish, changing bites after bites. Nature truly taste different in his tongue. "Do I need to see something peculiar in the sky to smile?" She asked in return, smiling sweetly while her tone sounded annoyed. However, Alucard wasn't moved by it like he used to. He's too close with Miya now to fear such small personality of her.

"Who knows? Maybe you elven eyes caught something worth noticing in sky?" He said with an unbothered face. Miya rolled her 'elven' eyes and took a bite of the fish she was holding all this time. "I say the stars are the most worth noticing tonight. Aren't they magnificent?" She said, smiling again. Alucard took a glance at the so-called beautiful stars Miya was talking dreamy about.

He narrowed his eyes to see the stars closer, but still felt nothing about them as much as Miya did. "Eh, they look like normal big ball of gas to me. Learnt that from Fanny because she won't shut a damn about it," he said in return, remembering about Fanny for the first time in a while. He remembered how that science fanatic once hit his head with a book because he admit that stars are dust in the sky that Gods forgot to clean.

Miya looked at her with the same eyes Fanny gave to him. "Whatever. I didn't like the stars for you, anyway." She continued ignoring Alucard and keep focusing on the stars, sometimes drawing patterns out of them with her eyes. "I like the sight in front of me better," Alucard said out of the blue, finishing the last of his meal that night.

Even though he showed a completely bland face outside, Alucard was smiling inside. First because flirting had always been in his flesh and blood. Second because he knew it would be enough to make Miya look at him again.

Miya was a bit confused, but her ears unconsciously went red anyway. Some part of her understood what the demon hunter meant, and the other won't admit it. "What?" That's all that came out of her mouth. Alucard couldn't help but to start smiling at last. "I mean, you're just like the stars. Or better, whichever you prefer best." He said confidently.

There's only one meaning of his sentence that Miya need to admit no matter what. She softly blushed upon not being complimented by him for a long time. "Does that mean I'm as jarring as the stars? Or as distant?" She tried to help herself by asking a contradicting questions. Alucard shook his head. "Nope. Both you and the stars attracts none of my attention. But since you're better than them, I guess you're at least likable," he said, not expected by Miya.

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