Chapter 20

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"Charge for the Queen! Aim for its abdomen!" Shouted Irithel from faraway.

~ ~ ~

Not so long ago, Irithel and Leo heard the loud shriek of the Vestics' Queen. Without wasting another minute, she guided Leo to follow the swarm of Vestics from behind, in order to find out where the shriek came from. She speculated that it will likely be the Vestics' Queen, and she had not gone wrong.

While arriving, she saw from a distance that some people were already fighting against the Vestics. But what they didn't saw that she also saw was the quiet move of the Queen Vestics' escapes. Deep down, Irithel was pretty sure that to the Queen, these Vestics were nothing other than slaves and objects that could be ordered around. So she used them to escape, no other reason than because she's too lazy for a fight.

But one thing she realized just now were the Vestics' sudden strength. Usually, Vestics weren't this strong. Although, their sense on dodging is still below average, so that makes the fight quite fair. When Irithel noticed that one of the people fighting were trapped because of his own carelessness, she had no choice but to order Leo to help.

[Back again with using in-game skill]

Using her Ultimate, she blinked towards the Vestics, waiting for her crossbow to be buffed. In the middle of the chaos, Leo instinctively let out a massive roar, making those Vestics flung in every direction. The man, which is Claude, looked up to see another elf protecting her. "Go. My turn." With a simple word, she ordered Claude to leave without sparing a glance to him. He had to follow her order no matter how he hates it.

Seeing that her crossbow was shining, each single arrow that she shoot created massive damage. Even though she aimed for only one target, the rest around it also received quite some impact. But again, she alone won't be able to clear off the wave of Vestics.

"Let's go help her!" Miya said loudly, and without further ado, jumped beside Irithel. With her precise arrows, she uses her first skill to create triple split arrows. And since they're Marksmen, their attacks are not only critical, they are also fast as hell. Claude also helped by releasing his first skill and passive (I'm not a Claude user so I'm not very familiar with him), so are Alucard who bravely step in front of them.

The Vestic Queen cancelled her leave, and sunk her claw on the ground below her. None of them noticed how the liquid inside of the Queen's abdomen were moving weirdly, before it flow to her claw and straight inside the ground. Suddenly, the root branches started turning dark purple, as if it's rotting. They only managed to notice when one by one the Vestics that were attacking shrieked in pain while they skin melted away.

"Eww, what's happening?" Claude showed his disgust and confusion at the same time. But not a single one of them could clarified what was actually happening, until Leo saw the Queen Vestics' act and warned Irithel. Irithel finally realised it and told the rest. "Look at the Queen Vestics! She's doing something with her claw!" She said loudly. "Is she...using the liquid in its abdomen to rot the root branches?" asked Alucard.

But then, another trouble arises. The Vestics were now fully evolved into a new purple, slithering creatures. They all have a cobra head with no giant claws and wings. They also lost their abdomen but still have their fangs. Instead, their fangs were bigger and seems to be poisonous, like a snake. Those Vestics that died also went back to life, also evolved with a similar look, just a bit smaller than those who evolved while still alive.

 Those Vestics that died also went back to life, also evolved with a similar look, just a bit smaller than those who evolved while still alive

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