Chapter 8

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"A warrior's duty, is to bring victory."

Small Alucard looked upon Tigreal with shining eyes, inspired by his determination. Tigreal squatted in front of Alucard, and patted him in his head. "And that's why, men like us should train really hard to be a true hero. Do you want to be a hero, Alucard?" He asked. Alucard nodded excitedly. "Yes! I want to be a hero just like you!"

Suddenly, a voice came calling Alucard. "Alucard, mom's calling you!" A manly voice said. Alucard and Tigreal turned to see Alucard's father, regal in shining armor, a sword in his sheath. Alucard nodded again. "Okay! See you later, Tigreal!" He waved goodbye to him before running behind his father and towards where he came from. Tigreal smiled. "See you later too," he mumbled to himself.

"Are you training him again?" Alucard's father asked Tigreal, and he just smiled awkwardly. "Err, I can't say I'm training him...well, I just showed him some moves," Tigreal said while rubbing the back of his neck. Alucard's father chuckled, and touched Tigreal's shoulder. "You have been training so hard. Why not bother to rest?" He asked with soft eyes. But Tigreal's burned in determination. "I can't rest! If I want to be just like you one day, I have to trained harder!" He exclaimed.

Alucard's father laughed again. "I like your determination, boy! But really, take a rest. If you're sick, you can't train and that is very bad," he advised. Tigreal nodded. "Yes, sir!" He said. Alucard's father smiled and watched him go, holding the handle of his sword. "That kid. Heh." As Tigreal walked away, not that he knew. As he became more determine every day, not that he realised.

That it was the last day Alucard's father had smiled to him.

Because his determination had ate him. And not only him, but Alucard's parents. On that stormy night, Tigreal had done nothing but ran away and watched them die, protecting him from his own stupidity. He still remembered the nightmare he had through those dark nights. He still could recall the trauma of seeing his only role-model, died because of him. But that wasn't the greatest pain.

The face of the boy that idolised him once he knew about his parents.

Since that very moment, Alucard had never even looked at him. Everytime he tried to ask for forgiveness, Alucard stayed away from him. For months to come, not a single eye contact was made between them. They lived so close, yet feel so distanced. And when Tigreal thought the small Alucard had hate him enough, he was met with the fact that he ran away. For revenge against his parents.

Alucard didn't even looked back. For years, he had gone without traces, and Tigreal had tried several times and methods to find him. Still, he ended with empty hands. On those years, the thought of Alucard's might be dead already passed through his mind a few times. He wanted to shake those thoughts away, but everything that had happened making it harder that it is.

Still, he trained in the legacy of the late Alucard's father, vowing to reach his childhood dream and become the Captain of the Imperial Order of Knights. Just as he was nominated for the position, came the news of Alucard's coming home. A demon hunter that was trained in the Temple of Light found him somewhere around the last place Tigreal saw Alucard's parents. From that, he knew Alucard must've tried to fight those demons, but ended up in the opposite way.

But Alucard wasn't that kid that he once knew. He had become stronger, more mature than his age at that time. But he refused to join him in the Imperial Knights, and instead joined the demon hunters. His skills and talents after he became a demon hunter had made him gained popularity and never ceased to impress others. As he grows up to become who he is now, Alucard had been out most of the time and only returned once or twice a month, sometimes never.

And though Alucard said that he had forget about his past and forgive Tigreal, Tigreal knew he'll never will. He destroyed Alucard's childhood forever, and there is nothing he can do to return that back. But he's willing to wait, if it's mean Alucard could finally see how much he regrets his decision and if there's a chance for him to return his parents back, he will do it no matter if it's cost his own life.

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