Chapter 12

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Short A/N: All the classic heroes mentioned in my story hasn't been revamped yet in this book. I want to include this so your imagination won't be confused. Continue reading! ~

"I'll give you a chance to join my fanclub."

A long, white-haired man with reddish eyes pinched the bridge of his nose in distress. While leaning against one of his giant Blades of the Righteous Fury, he spoke in an annoyed tone, "I told you before Selena, no matter how many worlds you travel to find me, your words will never conquer my mind."

Selena pouted childishly, sitting with her legs crossed on top of her abyssal animal. "Come on, Martis! Why, does being the Ashura King made your decision stay put and your nose up high? The Abyss will gain you more powerful abilities, surely after that, you can be the King upon the whole Land of Dawn!" Selena kept on persuading it with a sweet mouth, swinging her legs in the air.

"I said what I said. My only goal in life was to overpower all Three Thousand Worlds and to become the Ashura King. Now that I've achieved those, don't ever think I will be fooled by your stupid statement to lose them," Martis stood his ground, and pull his Ashura's Teeth blade from the ground. He put it behind his back, crossed with his other blade, and started to walk away to the nearest dark portal.

Selena pouted even more. 'Tch! Do you really think I want you to be with the Abyss? I only have time for handsome guys,' she mocked arrogantly inside her head. But she knew she couldn't possibly let him go just like that. This order, was meant for her directly from Alice. Alice, the woman that had been taking care of her since she was born.

"What a beautiful, a sight for sore eyes you are!" Alice caressed Selena's cheeks, whom at the time was confused. She cannot remember anything, and none of the view in front of her rang a bell. "W-Who, who are you? And what...what is this place?" Selena asked, filled with fear. "Oh darling, why can't you remember your own home? Is that because of that elf that had tried to brainwash you?" Alice stare right into her eyes, softening her doubts.

"A-An elf? Brainwash me?" She still didn't understand. Alice chuckled in a sweet manner. "So she really did brainwash your mind. Unfortunately, she escapes. Otherwise, I would've let you tear her into shreds alive," Alice stood up, stretching both her hands towards Selena. "Up, my girl. The Abyss is welcoming you back, and now that you've returned, I have a gift for you." Selena suddenly lit up by the word 'gift'.

Yes, she loves gift; even though she didn't know why.

Alice grinned seeing Selena's expression. "Now, my girl, hold my hands and close your eyes." Alice extended her hands towards Selena, which she grasped with no doubt. She closes her eyes like Alice told her too, and with a mischievous grin, Alice spoke, "Whatever you see, is yours." Selena held her eyelids shut in full focus, trying to find anything that appears in the darkness of her vision.

At first, she didn't see anything that pick her interest. "I can't see anything-" but suddenly, a purple orb started to form before her, gleaming with a dark aura that was pulling her closer. She hesitated at first, sensing whatever power held by the orb is beyond her limit. But the closer she is to spinning ball of magic, she felt more attracted to it, as if she could hear a voice came calling for her inside her mind.

"Selena..." She heard, the orb now no longer out of reach. "Take me...and we shall be one..." The voice was gruff but determined, and Selena's heart thumped louder inside her chest. She wanted to touch the orb, but something doesn't feel right. It's as if she wasn't meant to be here, and none of this was even familiar.

Isn't coming home was supposed to make you feel happy? Why is she feeling scared either?

Then all of a sudden, a reflection appeared across her, just behind the orb. A giant figure with sharp teeth and massive claws was staring right into her eyes; making Selena's heartbeat went faster. But then, she realised something. The creature, it have a very similar feature with her. Pink, long hair and purple skin. Gazing back into it's eyes, Selena finally could see it.

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