Chapter 35

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Standing atop Miya, surrounded with blooming flowers and gleaming orbs, is the coffin belonging to the King of Moon Elves.

~ ~ ~

Miya couldn't move from her spot. She was both enthralled with such striking appearance in front of her, while being filled with nervousity by the thought of finally meeting the one she had wanted to meet. She could also finally take a good look of her surrounding; starting to remember the terrifying chase between her and Helcurt a bit earlier.

Miya looked up to try and find where she had fallen through. It all happened so fast, to the point where not even her head could capture the scene. But it doesn't matter as long as the four-legged creature is not here anymore, she thought.

The place where Miya had fallen through is a huge tomb hall, with several poles with three times her height are used to support the stone ceilings. The entire floor is filled with flowers of different colour and variants. The surrounding is serene and composed, it's as if Miya had travelled into a completely different world.

As she stood in the middle of the hall, time slowing, her tense muscles relaxed and her anxious heart went calm. She looked over to the coffin placed on an altar several steps above her. "It's just like prophecy foretold..." Miya gasped to herself. Here she is; standing right before the King of Moon Elves, destiny unraveling.

Miya find herself attracted to the coffin. It's as if a voice slowly calls for her there. She took one step on the staircases, feeling a bit unsure. "What if the not me?" She began questioning. After all, how far can you go in trusting an ancient prophecy? What if there is a twist in this fate of hers?

But her curiousity tops it all. She clenches her fist and looked up in determination. "No! There is no time to be unsure. More than ever, the life of Moon Elves lie on the outcome of her quest. If I fail, everyone will fail as well." Miya took her deepest breath yet. She had come so far, and risk so much. Letting it go now would put everything in vain. Even if it's risky, she's willing to take the possibility. All for her dear Moon Elves.

She braved herself to climb the stairs, anxiety growing on every steps. Now she remembered that she hasn't come up with what she's going to say to the King of Moon Elves if he's awake. "Should I introduce myself first? After all, he should know the person who woke him up," Miya wondered to herself. "Or should I explain to him on how I reach here? But, it's fully coincidental that I found the fortress..." Miya clicked her tongue, now confused with her own words.

As thoughts after thoughts swirl through her mind like a storm, she didn't realize that her feet had brought her in front of the altar. She stopped dead in her tracks when she realized, eyes widened. The glass coffin is right there, covered in entangling vines and thorns. It has shown the effect of the long slumber of Moon Elves' King.

Miya slowed her pace. She inched closer to the coffin to get a good look. Between the vines and thorns, she could make out a pale face, eyes closed, waiting to be revived from his sleep once again. However, Miya wasn't satisfied enough. She was curious to know how the King of Moon Elves look as a whole, so she took the blade out of her bag and began cutting the entangling plants.

It only took her a few minutes to clean the glass coffin from all the plants. Finally, the true and whole image of the Moon Elves' King came to light. Similar to other Moon Elves, he has a pale face and a pair of long, pointy ears. He placed his hands on top of his abdomen, emitting a peaceful image. His white hair stretched up until his chest, seaming elegantly between the floral plants inside the coffin.

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