Chapter 40

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"Close the gate and activate the shield. Quick!" Once Tigreal got inside and two guards approached to help him, he warned them in a weakened yell. The guards became alerted and one of them quickly signaled a guard nearby the war horn to blow it. The guards guarding the gates heard the horn being blow and waste no time to slam the gate shut.

Another guard went inside to activate the magical shield around the castle ground and a part of the Lumina City. The bats continued flying towards it and smashed themselves on the surface of the shield in an attempt to break it. Upon the first safety protocols were launched, Tigreal sighed in relief and pain finally began overtaking him. His legs gave up and he kneeled on the ground, only supporting himself with his hammer.

"Captain!" The guards cried. Before the guards could help him stand up, they heard the familiar sound of cables shifting through building and finally a thud of someone landing abruptly. They quickly turned around to see Fanny with her concerned face. "Brother!" She rushed towards Tigreal's side. Only when he heard his sister's voice do Tigreal raised his head. "Fanny..."

Fanny went to her brother's side and attempted to help him up. Tigreal uses all his might to stand up again, with Fanny putting his arm around her shoulder. "I'll bring him inside and take care of him. Please help the other soldiers," Fanny gave a clear order to the guards. The two guards saluted them both before swiftly moving to do what they were ordered to do. Fanny carefully and slowly bring the injured Tigreal inside, both concerned and curious.

"Go and warn the other demon hunters. Make sure all of them are well-equipped," Alucard said to Granger and Harith as they rushed down the castle hallways to the front of the castle ground. They saw what just happened in front of their eyes, and as one of the protectors of the Moniyan, they couldn't just stay still and wait. After properly asking for a leave from Princess Silvanna, the first thing they need to do is gather the other demon hunters and guard the hidden tunnels into the castle.

Granger chose to be the one to gather the demon hunters, while Harith continued to follow Alucard. They passed by the medical room which happened to be very busy; with nurses moving around in rapid speed to aid the injured. While passing by the room, they caught a glimpse of Fanny tending Tigreal's wound. From afar, his wounds doesn't look that bad. But now that they're pretty close to him, they could finally perceive how critical his injuries actually were.

Alucard subsconsciously went inside to take a look at Tigreal and Fanny. "Eh, Alucard-" Harith didn't even have a chance to call for him back. Fanny didn't noticed Alucard's presence there due to how busy she was, not until her brother turned his head to see Alucard. "Hey, stay still- huh, what are you doing here?" Fanny was about to pull Tigreal's head back to face her when she finally saw Alucard.

The demon hunter's face is unreadable, but he didn't show any sign of madness or irritation like he used to when seeing Tigreal. Tigreal sighed and ignored his gaze. "Fanny, careful on the eyebrows," he said with a low voice, and Fanny rolled her eyes while still making sure to be careful. Alucard then suddenly asked, "Where have you been, Captain?",

Neither Tigreal nor Fanny were expecting the question, or even the fact that he will ask anything. Tigreal answered him with a weak voice, "Queen's Peak, Northern Vale. They were attacked by the necromancer's army," he said. Both Fanny's and Alucard's eyes went widened, although Fanny's one is definitely exaggerated. "Necromancer's army? You mean the undead?" She asked, her hand accidentally brushed hard on Tigreal's eyebrow.

Only when Tigreal grunted did Fanny realized what she'd done. "Oops, sorry..." With an apologetic smile, Fanny carefully checked his eyebrow again and blows on it in an attempt to reduce the pain. Alucard spoke again, "The Northern Vale have no history with the necromancer's army or whatsoever. To commence an attack towards the land was unreasonable of them." Alucard is not someone who studies history, but even he knew the connections between kingdoms.

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