Chapter 34

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The morning in the Enchanted Forest provides a peaceful morning alarm, from the bird's choir to the fall of a twig on Miya's face. The impact was a bit too much on Miya that she jolted up awake, brushing the twig off her face even though it had long fallen off.

A morning stretch is mandatory, along with the sound of bones crackling in beat. Miya inhale and exhale passionately, it seems like something had boost her energy this early in the morning. While most dreams disappeared from memories right after one wakes up, the dream she had last night slowly resurfaced inside her mind as clear as day. Now her face draw a confusion.

"The dream last night is so weird," Miya said to herself while doing some neck stretches. The sight of herself as a young child, the scenery and especially the boy who introduced himself as her brother...nothing made sense to Miya. Even though she had been alive for so long and that one specific memory is a very distant one, surely as an elf she would still remember them. She did get a sense of familiarity though, so that's a progress.

She recalled what her 'brother' told her last night. "He was asking me to find him. Or ordering me," she said, her words no longer lingers in her mind. At last, she sighed and quickly brought herself and all her other equipments outside. The sun is shining brightly as usual, still making a long way to reach the center of the sky. It was indeed very early in the morning.

"Why do I suddenly feel uneasy..." looking around, a strange feeling began to surround her. This feeling is not only making her stomach churn, but also telling that she must be quick at whatever she's doing right now. All of a sudden, she got reminded by that one demon hunter. "Oh yeah, Alucard usually wakes up earlier than I do. I wonder if he's already awake now?" Without further ado, Miya rushed towards where Alucard was sleeping last night.

She climbed the tree where Alucard slept while speaking loudly, "Alucard, wake up-" only to find him already awake. He was turning his back against Miya, seemingly emitting a sorrowful vibe. Miya's stopped dead in her tracks abruptly. She stared at Alucard's back for some time, sensing that something is not quite right with him. She stood there for a long time before remembering why she came, and asked.

"Are you...alright, Alucard?" She was slowed mid-sentence, not wanting to surprise him in case he didn't notice that she was there. Alucard did seems to be surprised, and looked back at Miya. "Huh? Oh, of course. I'm all fine," he said with a reassuring smile. Although it lacks confidence, Miya took it as a 'yes' and proceed to explain to him why she's there.

"Alucard, I didn't mean to force you but we need to hurry on our feet. My sense is tingling and I don't like it when it does," she said, telling the discomfort she felt just now. Alucard looked down for a second, took a deep breath, and nod. "All right. Let's go then." With that, they're off to the road again.

~ ~ ~

After walking for quite a mile, Miya and Alucard stumbled across what they believe is a historical building.

"The Earthen Fortress. I've only heard them in folktales." Miya was the first to gasp in awe, remembering very vividly about the sight in front of him. It is one of the ancient fortresses, rumored to be owned by the Earthen Giants. These Giants were the legendary race that once walked the earth, and were said to be older than the earth itself. One well-known kind of Earthen Giants are known as the Stone Titans, which are quite self-explanatory.

Alucard, who doesn't have any knowledge about this whatsoever, can only nod in confusion. Thankfully, Miya is kind enough to elaborate. "Stone Titans are said to favor sleeping. As they sleep, trees will naturally grow and buildings will be constructed, creating a fortress. One fortress are part of many Stone Giants..." she steps closer to touch the wall covered in moss, "which is why this one is wrecked and empty."

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