Chapter 21

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"Find every corner of the valleys! Search under the mountains! This is an order from Queen Alice!" A large, red Orc yelled towards his comrades. The rest just obeyed, and began their search in the heavy snow. Night has fallen, making the atmosphere colder that it should be, but indeed it put no pressure on them.

Orcs were born with naturally thick skin that could stand low temperature, even on snowy night on top of the mountains. Balmond, who's in charge of finding the elf called Selena, didn't waste any time. He's one of the oldest Orc to serve under the Abyss, while most of the Orcs that were born around the same age as him had died.

As he is the one of the most loyal among those who serve the Abyss, the Abyssal Ruler gave Balmond many added lifespans, making him almost immortal. While he also participated in the search while also ordering the other Orcs as well, one of the Orc with dark lime skin and 3 fingers for each hand came towards Balmond. The Orc also has two axes behind his back, but smaller than Balmond's.

"Um, Leader?" He asked with a gruff tone, catching Balmond's attention. "What is it?" He ask in reply with another gruff voice. The Orc continue, "I think we might have a problem." He pointed behind him, only for Balmond to meet eyes with someone he would never expect to be there.

"Hello there, 'Leader'," Dyrroth chuckled after greeting him, with that naughty grin on his face. Since the weather was cold, he wore a medium-length robe just enough to cover his exposed chest. Although, the crystal carved on his chest still shone under the robe, creating a weak rays of light radiating from him. Balmond was somewhat in anger, and pushed the other Orc away to close his gap with Dyrroth.

He was so close that Dyrroth could smell his stinky breath, so he took a small step backwards. "What are you doing here, little boy?! You are not meant to go out the Abyss Crack unless you were told so!" Balmond almost strangled him, but he knew well that Dyrroth is stronger. Plus, hurting him will either cause Queen Alice to go mad or him getting hurt instead.

Dyrroth brushed his stinky breath away, telling him to keep his distance because of, distancing. "Hey, your breath smell like a rotten fish eaten by a rotten cat. And plus, why would Alice be mad?" He casually walked away to take a look around of the snowy areas, watching as other Orcs focusing on their search. "QUEEN Alice! No matter how close you are to her, you still have to adress her as Queen!" Balmond fired back, and Dyrroth just rolled his eyes.

"Relax, big boned. It's not like I'm going to get expelled or something. Plus, how could they kick someone who's going to the be the frontliners for the war? They're just going to waste talent." Dyrroth mind no attention towards the worst case scenario of his action. "Are you searching for that runaway elf?" He asked again in curiousity as he walked around the area.

Balmond facepalmed and sighed heavily. He keeps up with Dyrroth to make sure that boy didn't do anything that would put both of them in trouble. "We are indeed. Since she had the Abyssal Devil following her, we could track her movement easily," he explained shortly, and Dyrroth nodded slightly. "How do you track her by the Abyssal Devil? Can you, 'feel' them here or something?"

Balmond let out a small orb, similar to Alice's. Inside the orb, a high, snowy mountain stood firm and still. "That mountain is a sign that we are in the Northern Vale, the coldest part of the Land of Dawn. It's also a sign that the Abyssal Devil is here somewhere, with that elf," Balmond continue explaining their mission to Dyrroth. Instead, Dyrroth was somehow unamused.

"The Abyss has immesurable dark powers but they can't afford crafting a better tracker? I have to say that it's somehow pathetic," he casually mocked his own Clan, and Balmond was again shocked. "Did you just call the Abyss...pathetic?" Balmond asked, still in a surprise. Dyrroth meanwhile, has made his way down a small slopes.

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