Chapter 32

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"The moon is especially lovely tonight."

Sitting on the balcony of the mansion's highest floor, Carmilla gazed at the shining moon with endearing eyes. After days seeing the empty sky with only floating clouds, Carmilla was somehow relieved that the moon decided to appear tonight. Before she came to this castle, she had never notice the moon. But after everything that happened, she realized how similar she is with her friend in the faraway sky. She also wished for stars to befriend the moon tonight, but to no avail. "Don't worry, I'm here with you," she whispered softly while smiling at the moon.

"What's wrong with her?" Lazaniel, a young Blood Demon around the age of 200, asked his elder sister beside him. Bethania rolled her eyes in annoyance. "This is not the first time she's acting like this. You've seen it before, haven't you?" she replied with dissatisfaction in her voice. She was hoping that her little brother had learn how to mind his own business in his 200 years of living, but he's still the same as he was when he was born.

Lazaniel pursed his lips. "Why are you so mad over a question. I'm asking this out of pure curiosity," he replied. Bethania sighed. "Carmilla is feeling lovesick, okay? It's pretty obvious," she said and looked over to her with worried eyes. Although both Bethania and Lazaniel looked so much younger than Carmilla, they are actually much, much older than her. Still, Bethania sympathizes on her so much.

When Cecilion brought Carmilla in her arms a few months ago, it shocked the other Blood Demons to their core. They were never expecting Cecilion to find another Blood Demon outside where they're currently living and hiding, but the story was much different. "A human?" Bethania, Lazaniel and four other Blood Demons said simultaneously. Cecilion looked back at them while still carrying Carmilla bridal-style. "I'll tell you the story later. Let me put her into bed first," he said and continue to climb the stairs.

"So," he said as he sat down on the couch, surrounded by his family of Blood Demons. "So?" They asked again simultaneously. Cecilion took a deep breath, putting his magical staff leaning beside a wall not so far away from their small meeting. "So, a lot of things had happened. You know that I worked in the opera of Avalor, right?" he started his sentences. The rest of them nodded. They were only excited to hear where Carmilla came from.

"Well..." nervousity started hitting his veins. He stroke his own cheeks which started to be filled with redness. Travis, who's around 600 years old, notice Cecilion's weird reaction towards their question. Is it possible that the Cecilion, a Blood Demon he knew to be the most stoic and ruthless among them; is...blushing? "Hold on, let's take this slowly," Travis cut in between, hand caressing the hair of his daughter who's probably the same age as Carmilla (but look like a 4 years old child).

He then continued to eye Cecilion suspiciously. "I have a feeling that something is wrong with our dear Cecilion," he said, and Cecilion just sighed. "Your wisdom truly match your age. Yes, Travis, there is indeed something wrong with me." Cecilion straight up confessed, which made the rest even more surprised. Marya, the aunt of Bethania and Lazaniel, let out her own thoughts.

"From the way you carried her in earlier, I suggest that there is something going on between the both of you," she said while narrowing her already cat-like eyes. Unable to hold the truth any longer, Cecilion answered them. "Her name's Carmilla, the daughter of Earl Ansaac. We fell into a tragic love story, and Carmilla ended up sacrificing herself. I saved her from eternal death and turned her into one of us," he explained, face still red.

Travis' eyes went widened. "Earl Ansaac? Of Castle Aberleen?" He asked, now with wariness in his eyes. Cecilion nodded. He knew Travis is going to scold him for this. "Castle Aberleen host royal houses! Do you know how much trouble we can get if they find out that Carmilla's corpse went missing?" Travis sighed and shook his head. "You told me that you'll only leave for your Opera shows so that you can know what it feels like to be free. How far have you fall, Cecilion?"

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