Chapter 36

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The sun rises early in the magical land of Azyra Woodlands. Morning dew started gathering themselves on the leaves, dripping down to the ground as the leaves become unable to carry them.

Due to such tiring night, especially for Miya; both her and Alucard didn't bother finding separate places to sleep. They slept side by side on the ground just below a shady tree, which manage to shield them from the rising sunlight but not the dew.

A single drip fell nonchalantly on Miya's porcelain face. Somehow, the nature in the Enchanted Forest always find a way to wake her up from her peaceful sleep. As the dew fell on her, her entire face twitches. She opened her eyelids little by little, unsure if she wanted to wake up or not. At last, she wiped the dew away from her face and continued sleeping.

Alucard went awake a few seconds later. His body felt stiff after laying on such hard soil for an entire night, so he decided to wake up to save himself. Despite his full consciousness, his eyelids are still shutting tight as he sits up to grasp the sight of surrounding around him.

"Glad to see one of you is awake," a familiar spoke not far away from him. Alucard was shocked and quickly turn his head to find the owner of the voice. He came eye to eye with Miya's brother, whom he didn't know is Miya's brother in the first place. He sighed in relief after knowing it's not a random stranger that's probably spying on them sleeping the entire night.

Estes, seemingly able to understand what's inside Alucard's mind, smiled casually at him. "Looks like you have a sound sleep last night. It also looks like one of you is still on their dream's bandwagon," Estes was obviously talking about Miya, who's still sleeping despite the already bright morning.

Alucard turned his head to shift his gaze to Miya sleeping just beside him. He was surprised at first. "Wait, did we slept side by side last night?" Alucard asked himself but was answered by Estes. "You did. And it seems like you both enjoy each other's company," he said, still smiling at them both. Alucard smiled awkwardly.

"Well, when you phrase it like that..." He stroke the back of his neck, either in awkwardness or in embarassment. Before the topic gets to it's lowest point, Alucard quickly changes the topic. "So, um, Your Majesty, how long have you been standing there?" He asked Estes, wanting to be sure that he hadn't been watching him sleep.

Estes straighten his composure. "It hasn't been long, demon hunter. I simply came as presence reminder to both of you that we are in need to leave as early as possible," the elf's continued, gaining Alucard's curiousity with his words. "Are you that homesick of your hometown? Your fellow elf over here is not even awake yet," he pointed a question towards Estes while pointing at Miya.

The Moon Elves' King sighed softly. "It seems that you have forgotten something crucial that you left behind before joining this quest, demon hunter. I did not wish to rush our leave if it wasn't for this issue," he replied, a sense of obligation and worry appeared in his tone. It made Alucard raised more brows than before.

"Issue? What issue did I left behind?" He asked himself as he put his hand under his chin. As far as his memory could fetch, he truly didn't remember leaving behind a certain issue that could've force anyone to rush their business. No matter how hard he force himself to think, nothing came onto his mind.

At last he gave up. "Alright, I did not remember a single thing. That is peculiar, indeed," he admitted to himself. Before, he has no trouble to remember anything whatsoever. He fears that he's getting older as the day passed by. "As an annual event happening every few decades, it is really peculiar for someone who came from the frontliners of Moniyan to forget it," Estes tried hinting at him, and it works like magic.

Alucard's eyes widened and his jaw fell upon getting reminded on what he totally had forgotten. "The Great War! Oh, where have my mind been..." He cupped his face with his palms, truly disappointed at himself. It's the war that his father had fought in. How can he forget such thing when it should've been etched deeply into his brain?

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