Chapter 46

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"I have listened to your wish. And now, I shall grant it."

~ ~ ~

A sound of horn in the war can only mean two things; the start or the end. A particular reason why no horn will be sounded during a war. Because if it does, then another meaning come; a new army introduces themselves.

"What was that?" Harith asked, narrowing his pupils to see the source of the sound from afar. Not only him, everyone instantly turn to the sound as well. At the end of their vision, in front of the hills, stood thousands of soldiers dressed in regal armors. A figure walked from the middle of the army as the soldiers make a way for him. What shaped like a blue crescent moon shine brightly behind him as he carries a scroll and a quill.

"Isn't that..." Fanny's words trailed as she looked at the army with the help of a telescope. Tigreal whom was beside her asked, "What? Who is it?" Fanny don't bother to speak no more; she just hand Tigreal the telescope. Tigreal looked through the telescope and finally saw the details of the army.

They were elves. 

And standing in front of them was the King of Moon Elves, Estes.

Tigreal cannot believe what he just saw. The Moon Elves' army was the least thing anyone would've expected. As far as history goes, elves are very reserved and usually refused to intervene in any affairs that aren't theirs. Which is why the sight of them is even more strange.

Alucard was also stunned. For a second, his eyes were diverted to the army of Moon Elves; unable to fathom anything properly. Perhaps he had been fighting for too long that his mind is too tired to even think. Only when Miya tightened her grip on Alucard's hands did he turn his eyes back to her.

"I told you, didn't I? The help had come." She said with a warm smile. "Help? Was the Moon Elves' army...the 'help' that you're talking  about?" he asked, still unsure. Miya simply nodded. She gazed deep into his eyes and spoke again, "Now rest assure. We'll take care of the rest for you."

Right after that, Miya gave one last smile to him before leaving into the battlefield. Alucard whom was taken aback didn't manage to stop her. "Miya, wait-" just as he was about to call her and stand up, he fell back to the ground and began coughing blood. Still, he continued calling for her, and kept forcing himself to stand up and go to her.

His desperate cries made Miya stop and turn her back around. For a second, she felt like going back and staying with him. She feared that the war has a different fate for both her and him. She loathe the thought of going  through another separation with people that she loves. But then again, she looked at herself and questioned: Can an elf ever be with a human?

That was what she had been thinking all these time. Every time she was tested with new feelings for him, there is always another thought that appear from the back of her mind. Were they truly meant for each other? Or is he just a pawn to help her realize the goal in her story? In the end, Miya had come to a very harsh conclusion.

That being together with him will only hurt themselves as much.

Because there had never been a story where a human and an elf had a happy ending. One day, their responsibilities will catch up with them and deceive their relationship. For that, because she loved him, she was willing to stop everything and let go. And the deep gaze she gave to him made him understand, which is why his calling for her was very desperate.

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