80. dive in

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Here you go Harry giving Niall a blowjob + horny Harry + dirty-ish talk Niall + Niall is starstruck by his boyfriend's beauty + fluff I'm amazing


just lets pretend that I never wrote this chapter because its wild as actual fuck and you're going to see a side to harry that y'all shouldn't have

the pronouns might be fucked up because i was writing this chapter and writing the teekange kitten and reading a larry fan fiction so yo bear with me

80 - Dive In

"I can't fall back asleep," Niall groans and I ignore him, burying my face in the pillow.

"Princess," Niall whines, "I can't fall back asleep and I need somebody to talk to!"

I continue ignoring him, hoping he'll eventually just shut up.

I know you're awake, you little bitch." Niall pushes me.

"Talk to Luna. She's awake." I groan.

"I want to talk to you," Niall pouts.

"Just talk, love." I mumble, "I'm listening."

"My princess is the cutest little snowflake in the world, who likes sweaters and his cat Charlie. He was super shy and self-conscious when I first met him, but then again when I first met I was a proper dick with lilac hair so I probably made him self-conscious."

"Mhm," I hum, "Keep going."

"You talk. I like the sound of your voice. S'my lullaby."

"I don't know if you calling my voice a lullaby is a compliment or insult," I whisper softly, finally turning to face Niall who's hair looks the messiest it's ever been.

"It's a compliment, dork."

"Why does your hair look like a tumbleweed?"

"I don't know, maybe because I dreamed about Texas?" Niall shrugs, "Why am I dating a ten out of ten when I'm a four out of ten?"

"Aww," I murmur, nuzzling into Niall's neck, "I love you. You're a ten too, sunshine."

"Princess." Niall replies quietly, nuzzling into my hair. "Pretty Princess, I love you too."

Niall lifts my chin up and presses a kiss to my mouth that I deepen myself, grabbing Niall's bicep pulling him towards me, hoping he'd get the hint.

"That was supposed to be a peck." Niall hums.

I kiss down Niall's neck before looking back up at him.

"Harry," Niall murmurs, "No,"

"Fuck, Niall." I whine as he grabs my hips, "I'm really horny."

"Never thought that'd come out of your mouth, huh?" Niall teases, kissing my forehead.

"Ni-- Daddy." I keen. "Daddy please."

"Where was this side of you when I was horny? A couple hours ago?" Niall doesn't even seem phased by the name and all I want to do currently is ride him.

"Well 'm sorry I'm not horny enough for you."

"Sorry, lovely."

"Mhm," I hum, "Could you fuck me? Please?"

"Princess." Niall mutters.

"No actually-- I wanna," I trail off.

"Want to what?" Niall purrs.

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