Chapter 94

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Seeking Good Temptation Chapter 94: Customs clearance 07

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On the next day, Bai Xing woke up and Qin Feng, who had been outside her, rushed forward.

What the doctor said, he has no right to decide for her, or to ask for his own opinions.

"I do not want."

Because there is no water for a long time, Bai seeks the sound to dry up.

After listening to the retelling of Qin Feng, she said softly: "Is death to die, what are these sins?"

"...small search..." Qin Feng shivered to the bed, his head half on the bed, covering the red eyes.

This calm man, who has been straightforward and has been circling between the formalities, has finally collapsed.

Because I know that there is no room for manoeuvre, because I know that he will lose her forever...

Bai Xun was slightly coveted, only to see his neat black hair, some hair roots white, thorny people feel sad.

She slightly lifted the back of the hand with the pinhole and landed on his black hair.

"Qin Feng, your hair is white..."

Is she caring about him?

Qin Feng’s body trembled and slowly raised his head and held her hand. “Small search, do you still blame me?”

Bai Xun sighed softly. "It’s all time, and those things still remember what to do..."

She just came to the end of her life and didn't want to waste any energy to care about anything.

Qin Feng’s heart can’t tell what it’s like. He only feels sour and bitter, and the five flavors make him finally give her a good quilt. He said: “Okay, that surgery, you don’t want to do it, then Don't do it, take a break first..."

He has recovered to the calm Qin Feng.

"Little look!"

At this time, an anxious male voice rang, and then the figure that stumbled and stumbled came in.

He was beaten by everyone yesterday, and he was asleep in the hospital bed until he woke up.

Asked the doctor to know that Bai Xun had already had a disease, it is possible to do a tracheotomy, and the eyelids were reddened in an instant. The doctor who grabbed the side seemed to grasp the last straw.

"Doctor, you save her, beg you, I have a lot of money, as long as you cure her, beg you..."

What are you looking for?

In the past 20 years, even though he was stepped into the quagmire, he never asked for someone.

But now... he found out that he was so powerless.

The doctor's shaking his head made him feel like being crushed by a giant object, unplugging the infusion tube, and looking for it in desperation.

Looking at the weak white horse on the sick bed, he suddenly fell to the ground and fumbled to the bedside, his voice choked. "Small search, sorry, sorry... all my fault..."

White searched and shook his head, and he called him with a weak voice.

As if he didn't hear it, he kept admit his mistakes.

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