Chapter 45

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Seeking Good Temptation Chapter 45: Brothers wall 20

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Andric is very miserable recently. Lu Zhiming clearly said that he can cooperate with him. After he has made a fortune, he can return to Lu’s as his design director. Can also help him get Huang Haoran, but now...

Lu Zhiyao took out the evidence that he copied the Bai Xun design draft, so that his reputation in the design industry for many years was almost destroyed, and those designers who had followed him also left.

What is even more abhorrent is that I don’t know which group of people has been chasing him. Even his house was burned. If he didn't run fast, he might die inside.

He is not reconciled, he must take back everything he has!

Otherwise, even if he is defeated, he will pull the land and go to **** together.

Andric has been looking for opportunities to get closer to the land. He pressed his hat and hid himself deeper.

He finally waited for Lu Zhiyao to drive out alone, and quickly stopped the car and followed him.

The car drove to the place he was familiar with, the villa where Huang Yuran lived.

Lu Zhiyao sat in the car for a long time, the cold side of the face did not see the fluctuations, only the hesitant eyes revealed a bit of anxiety.

He never cares about one person like this, likes one person...

He knew that Bai Xun was brought back by Huang Ruran, probably inside, but he did not dare to go in.

Suddenly, not far from the two people, the two people slowly approached, Huang Yiran and Bai Xun, one person holding a bag containing all kinds of vegetables and fruits.

"How? Is it a lot of good mood to go shopping in the supermarket?" Huang Xiaoran smiled and said, "I will show you my specialty dishes later."

Although the white smile is very light, it seems to be a lot of relaxation. "Miss Huang will still cook?"

"That is, you dare to swear at me?" Huang Yanran raised an eyebrow.

White looking for fun.. "Small can't dare..."

The two talked and laughed and approached, and Lu Zhiyao took some eagerness to get out of the car.

"Little search..."

As usual, the familiar and low-sounding familiar sounds are more undetectable.

Nothing? Will Lu Zhiyuan be helpless?

Bai Xun looked at him with some incredulity.

The neatly combed black hair, the meticulous suit... The beautiful face is also perfect and cold.

In addition, the obsidian-like eyelids stared at her, and there was a flustered complex.

Bai seeks to hang his eyes and slowly open his mouth. "Is there anything I can do with me? President Lu?"

Her tone was alienated and cold, and the final title was more ironic. Lu Zhiyao was stabbed. He never felt that this title had embarrassed him at this moment.

"...small search, I am coming to you, I want to ask you to return to Lu. The matter has been revealed. Andric was driven out of Lu, and you also proved your ability, so the position of the design director, I think Please come..."

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