Chapter 54

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Sebastian's POV

Resting my head on Hunter's warm chest was comforting and I guess I didn't realize how much I missed being this close to him. To have these moments of blissful silence where words aren't needed to understand how to be there for someone. Just being there is enough. To enjoy another's presence. 

I was soon brought out of my thoughts as I felt a hand rub my side and lips press against my forehead. 

"You ok?" Hunter asked in a voice above a whisper. Even though no one else was in the house, I can understand not wanting to ruin the moment by talking too loud.

"Yeah......I think.......I don't know." I said, not feeling the need to put up those emotional walls as he held me.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked gently.

"I just haven't been feeling like myself helped a bit though." I said, both of us sharing a certain look for a moment.

"I'm proud of you for being able know.....but as fun as it was I still feel somewhat.....empty?" 

"Well there's more to life than love and do you know what sort of thing is bothering you? Doesn't have to be specific." He asked as he brushed some hair out of my face.

I thought for a moment, but it was clear I was feeling a bit depressed because everything good I was getting used to either changed or left. A good amount of my friends were in far away places or doing their own thing and I just feel.....left out. 

"Guess I never think the good things in my life will last or stay the's stupid, isn't it?"

"'s not." He said, looking at me firmly. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was serious.

"We've all been through a lot this year, especially you. I can understand why you'd want the good things to be permanent so that you don't have to experience any more must be exhausting." He said as I nodded, strangely feeling tears form in my eyes.

"'s ok. Just because something changes, it's not the end of everything."

"You sure about that?" I asked and he nodded.

"A lot of your friends graduated, it's both happy and sad. You miss them, but you can still keep up with them."

"I don't want to bother them. They probably want to hang out with other people as they never invite me." I said as he gave me a look.

"Then you invite them to hang out first. Since when have you been an introvert?"

"I never said I was strictly an extrovert though. Besides, what if they say no?"

"You never know till you ask. They might surprise you." He said and I couldn't argue with his logic.

"I don't even know why I feel so depressed and withdrawn......I wish I wasn't." 

"No one asks for depression and it's not as simple as putting on a smile and getting out there. It runs deeper, but it's not like you're alone."

"I guess.......all I have is you and my parents......and Jett." I said as he rubbed my arm.

"You don't need quantity, quality is more important. It's no secret how much me and your parents love and support you." He said, getting close to my face with a smile that I couldn't help but return.

"Things may change, but that's not a bad thing. And so what if summer break kind of sucks, everything will be much more fun when school starts again in the fall. You might even make new friends." 

"I doubt that." I joked, but both of us know we'll need new members for glee club so I'm bound to get along with some of the newbies.

"Next year is also our senior year. We might as well have fun while we still can." He said and he had a point.

"Might as well live while we're young....." I said, making us both break out in smiles as we remembered that song before sharing a gentle but lingering kiss. 

"They played that song at prom.......plan to try to win prom queen next year too? Make all the girls cry?" He joked as I playfully slapped his chest.

"I was thinking more prom king this time. You know, for equality." I said as he didn't exactly understand, but still supported me.

"You know.....maybe it will be ok. Maybe I just go through life too fast, not taking the time to slow down and enjoy what I have in the moment."

"It will be ok, but if it isn't, we'll get through it. Together." He said as he took my hand in his which I squeezed back a moment later.




All good things must come to an end eventually. I'm proud of this story despite the few awkward moments or parts I'm not too fond of. But that's life, not everything is written perfectly. Realistically, life is full of awkward and unfavorable moments. That just makes the good moments that much better in comparison.

This chapter was pretty short, but it was to mostly tie off loose ends and give the story a more proper ending. I also like that it leaves it at a good place to which it can stay the end here or can be expanded on in a sequel.

Also as I'm posting this on New Year's Eve, it's made me reflect a little bit. This year alone I have written 3 full stories on here about Hunter and Sebastian and they are some of my best works I've made to be honest. I'm proud of myself as well as I'm grateful for y'all to join me on this journey and support me in the process. I may not be that active on here in the near future, but at least this ends it with grace.

Hope y'all have an amazing New Year and here's to hoping new year will be better than this one.

I love y'all :)

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