Chapter 3

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Sebastian's POV

"What do you want Hunter?" I asked before noticing he had 2 cups of coffee in his hands and he actually took a seat across from me.

"I just want to talk. Also......I owe you a drink." He said as he pushed one of the cups towards me. Then I realized what was going on.

"How did you get my number?" I asked, clearly a bit uncomfortable since this felt low key stalker like.

"I have my ways.........David is very easy to talk to." He explained and that made sense. When I was captain, I traded my number with the upperclassman counsel so we could keep in touch about Warbler related stuff. David was a part of that counsel and talks to everyone.

"Ok......but what do you want from me? Also why didn't you say who you were in the text?" 

"I don't want anything from you.....not really. Also I know you would just ignore me if I said who I was." He said and he made a good point. 

"Fine.....say what you have to say." I told him as I hesitantly picked up the drink he got me. 

"I just want to make sure you're ok. That's it."

"We aren't friends Hunter.....remember? You don't need to check on me."

"Yes I do. Like I said, I know what it's like to lose a mom." He said. Of course he had to bring that up again.

"It doesn't mean anything just because our moms are dead." I told him before cautiously taking a sip. Doesn't taste poisoned.....I think.

"I know it's been hard on you."

"Well thanks for pointing that out, captain obvious."

"I'm serious. I know you and your dad don't get along and you have no friends or siblings. You're alone. I know that's not easy." He said and I didn't like how this conversation was going. What is he trying to get out of me?

"Well I prefer it this way, so you're wasting your time."

"I don't care." He said with a certain seriousness that both scared and impressed me.

"Why are you even doing this? I've treated you like shit." 

"True.....but you also had my back before. Guess I feel like I owe you something out of respect." He said and I knew he had some ulterior motives.

"So what? You're gonna be my therapist till I smile or something and then you'll leave me in the dust like we're strangers?"

"No. Of course not. You need someone to talk to and I'm more than happy to listen. It's not like I talk to many people anyway." He said and I was surprised. He seemed like he legitimately wanted to just talk.

"That's it? You just want to talk? You really don't want anything from me?" I asked him again and he nodded.

"Well.....I also wanted to tell you something." He said and I was a bit intrigued.

"Remember Tony?" He asked and I shook my head. Then again I didn't pay too much attention to names at times I should have.

"He was the one you beat up." He told me and I wasn't sure how to feel about what he might say next.

"Yeah.....what about him?"

"Let's just say he's getting what he deserves......" Hunter said as he sipped his coffee, looking to the side.

"Hunter....did you do something?"

"Relax. It's all harmless." He said but I needed to know.

"Let's just say pretty much the whole school thinks he has a crazy foot fetish and maybe an STD......" He told me and I was surprised.

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