Chapter 46

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Hunter's POV

The weekend is the time I get to relax, even if Sunday means I have to wake up early to go to church. It's not like I hate it.....but I don't love it either. I wouldn't consider myself super religious, but I do believe in the holy man above. I sometimes wonder just how much power god has. I've recently been praying a bit more, mostly at church since that's where I feel like it's most effective, but I doubt my prayers are being heard.

As I stared at the beautiful stained glass windows, I thought about myself. I know there's nothing wrong with being gay and I love what I have with Sebastian.....but I know my life would be better if I was straight. That sounds terrible and selfish, but am I wrong? Society is by default geared towards the heteronormative agenda. Straight people don't have to come out or live in fear of being themselves by dating who they like.

I don't regret the times I've spent with Sebastian, but maybe I regret being open about it. He was right that you can't force acceptance on people and that it'll only lead to pain. I've been trying to get Tony to understand that this is who I am and if he has a problem, he just doesn't have to deal with me. If you hate something so much.......then leave. It's not that hard to avoid and ignore me at school.

Instead that asshole has just gotten worse. He constantly calls me slurs, "accidentally" trips or bumps into me in the halls, passes me notes that have only gotten progressively threatening, as well as encourages his 2 new best friends to make me uncomfortable in various ways. They haven't touched me again like before, but their words and glances are enough.

Coming home from church, I fumbled with my tie before taking it off and throwing it in my closet. Laying on my back on my bed, I soon felt a weight on my chest. Opening my eyes I saw it was Mr. Puss sprawled out on me, his tail slowly swishing around as I reached to pet him gently.

Though my relaxation was soon interrupted as I heard a knock on my door. After saying they could come in, I saw my sister walk in. She clearly changed out of her church clothes and Mr. Puss didn't hesitate to run over to her to demand attention.

"Hey Hunter."

"Hey....what's up?" I asked as she picked up the mound of fur.

"I was wondering if you could give me a ride later?" She asked.

"Uhhh why?"

"I'm going to the movies with Connie and her that ok? Dad would drive me but he has work to do." She said and that's one of the cons of being able to drive. Everyone wants you to give them rides or run errands for them.

"What time?"

"About 4 pm?" 

"Sure." I said, as I know how important friends are to her after what happened at school.

"Really? Thank you thank you. You are the best." She said before giving me a quick awkward hug and kiss on the cheek before running out of the room. 

My sister didn't deserve to be treated like that by her old friends and I'm glad she has new ones. She deserves to have fun while she can. When I think about it, she doesn't have much time left as a child. I know I'm still a child, but high school is different than middle school. Things get way more serious when you're my age and I just hope she doesn't have to deal with homophobic assholes like the ones at my school. She's too good to go through that pain.


For once this week seemed somewhat quieter in terms of bullying. Of course there was still the usual talking behind my back when they think I'm not listening as well as avoiding me like I have some sort of disease. That definitely made classwork harder when we needed to work with partners. My grades have gone down a bit because of that, but thankfully not too much. At least I don't have to worry about my dad lecturing me on working hard and studying.

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