Chapter 43

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Hunter's POV

As the principal read out the name, the entire gym went silent. Turning to look at Sebastian, he met my gaze for a second before bolting out of the room as fast as he could. I was in a bit of shock to be honest, but I pushed through it in order to run after him.

I managed to catch him at the end of the hallway, seeing his face all red and tears clearly falling from his eyes as he angrily ripped off a prom poster that was on the wall before throwing it onto the ground.

"Sebastian....." I said as he eventually turned to look at me and I could see how much this really affected him. He was in clear pain after that humiliating stunt.

"'s going to be ok...."

"No it's not! Don't feed me lies!" He suddenly yelled back, surprising me with his voice.

"I'm not.......are you really just going to let them push you down like that? I thought you were stronger." I said as he looked at me with an unreadable expression.

"I was until you pushed my limits!"

"What are you talking about?" I asked, confused what he meant. I don't think I did anything wrong.

"You just had to be all handsy when it was clear I was uncomfortable. What you did was wrong!"

"I was just doing what every other couple was doing in there. How is that wrong?" I said back, raising my voice a little. I was oddly feeling a bit angry for some reason.

"This.....this isn't Dalton.......people don't give a shit about others and aren't afraid to show how much they hate someone because they're different!" He yelled more and cried a bit harder now.

"Y-you didn't see how people looked at us when we slow danced?" He asked suddenly and I finally realized why he kept looking around. That's why he was awkward and nervous. Things were staring to click.

"No." I said honestly and he looked almost angry at me.

"I was paying attention to you. Just like everyone else was doing to their own date. It's prom, Sebastian, it's supposed to be like that." I said as I walked a bit closer, seeing him wrap his arms around himself and look down at the floor.

"I was trying to make it romantic and special. I wanted you to have a good time. I wanted us to have a good time." I tried to explain to him but he still looked upset.

"Sebastian." I said after a good while of silence yet he still didn't look at me and we kept some distance.

"What?" He asked.

"I'm not a mind reader. Just tell me what's bothering you." I said, seeing him bite his lip a bit before finally looking up at me with red, tear filled eyes.

"I'm......I'm afraid." He said surprisingly small and quiet, reminding me of one of our earliest emotional night talks.

"You're afraid the good things in your life won't last.......and this is proof of that, isn't it?" I asked him and he nodded shamefully.

"If you didn't hold me close or kiss me or sing to me in front of everyone......maybe this wouldn't have happened."

"You don't know that." I said but he shook his head.

" Yes I do. I know these people better than you. Just why did you have to do it at lunch? Why not after school during Glee club?" He asked, getting a bit upset again. I knew he'd be embarrassed, but I didn't think he'd react like this or that this would be the outcome.

"I thought it would be a grand gesture. You've been more openly gay than me for years and I only came out a few months ago. I wanted to show you I wasn't afraid to be your boyfriend. I'm sorry if it caused this. I wasn't thinking."

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