Chapter 34

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Sebastian's POV

While my grandpa is no where near as terrifying as my uncle, he still unnerves me quite a bit. He's one of the most homophobic people I know and his words can hurt as much as a well formed punch to the gut. Trust me, I would know. I've experienced both.

I thought he wouldn't recognize me or something, but I should have known better as I literally look the same as when I last saw him. And of course I had to look over at him the moment he looked back at me, basically initiating an interaction. I begged in my head for him to keep his distance, but like expected he just came closer to me.

"'s been a while."

"Hmm I wonder why." I said, shifting my eyes back to the counter in hopes my drink was done so I could leave but it wasn't. For once could the employees work faster?

"I don't appreciate that tone, young man. I missed seeing my favorite grandson during the holidays." He said in a low and gentle, but still somewhat cold voice. He never compliments me at all either, so what's his angle?

"Sorry, but I didn't make the plans this year. Also thanks for the flattery even though I'm your only grandson." I said, trying to keep up a sassy front so he wouldn't break me down like usual. It was working a bit, but he continued talking. 

"That's besides the point, but I wanted to see how you're doing. You seem to be well from what I can see at least." He said, seeming oddly nice and that just made me uncomfortable. 

"I am well.......where were you when I wasn't?" I asked, crossing my arms in hope of defending myself for some reason even though I'd know he wouldn't hit me. I think. At least not in public like this.

"Forgive me, but there were other responsibilities I had to attend to at the time." He said and he tried to go on saying he's here for me now and wants to have a fresh start.

"Don't give me that crap. I know you hate me for just existing." I said and maybe I shouldn't have because that obviously struck a nerve. Though just as he was getting more riled up, I saw my drink was ready so I quickly grabbed it and tried to walk away. Of course he followed me.

I couldn't have been happier to run into Hunter the moment I did, only to notice that he wasn't alone. Jeff and Nick were with him. Hunter just looked at my face for a moment before looking behind me at my grandpa.

"Is this man bothering you?" He said in a low voice as to not attract anyone else's attention. 

"Y-yeah......he's my grandpa." I said, remembering I once told him a bit about my grandparents and how they treat me like shit.

Hunter just gently pushed me to be behind him and Jeff as he tried to stand tall. My grandpa obviously looked confused and didn't hesitate to get right to the point.

"Who are you? I was in an important conversation with my grandson." My grandpa said and he never calls me his grandson so openly, so hearing it now kind of pissed me off.

"We're his friends." Jeff spoke up, but Hunter shot him a look saying that he's got this.

"No matter how you're related, I could tell you were making him uncomfortable and I'd advise you to back off." Hunter said as he looked straight into my grandpa's eyes. My grandpa just looked at all of us, like he was analyzing everything, before he gave a look of slight disgust.

"Of course you're his friends......" He said and Jeff seemed confused.

"How can you tell?" He asked, somewhat innocent like Jeff always has been.

"I know a couple of faggots when I see 'em." My grandpa said, Nick almost looking like he wanted to hurt him but Jeff held him back.

"It doesn't matter what someone's sexuality is. I know who you are and I'm not letting you talk to Sebastian. He's had enough to deal with lately." Hunter said as my grandpa rolled his eyes.

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