Chapter 40

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Sebastian's POV

Ever since our Regionals win, we've all been a bit closer as a team. We're obviously a bit high with positive emotions from it and I'm not complaining. It's not like I haven't won competitions before, but the New Directions are an interesting group of people. At first they seemed like these strangers who didn't want anything to do with me. Nowadays they seem to enjoy my company and actually talk to me like everyone else. We still have a while since Nationals comes around, so now we're just back into the usual groove with our weekly assignments and such. 

Speaking of Nationals, I feel like an idiot for worrying about Regionals. Thinking I'd have bad luck because of the shit that happened in my life was stupid of me. I shouldn't blame myself for something that I had no control over. I'm just glad that part of my life is gone and I'm surrounded by good people like my friends and my parents. 

My parents were very proud of me and my performance and it really meant a lot to me that they felt that way. Sure my aunt would come to my competitions, but she mostly used it to brag to other parents about her "son's" accomplishments. Like I was just something to flaunt around. Seeing how my parents cheered for me in the audience showed me that they weren't like that as well as they didn't care if I won or not. Of course they'd feel bad if I didn't win, but who wouldn't? Everyone likes to win a little bit.

Hunter's motivational words backstage really helped and I'm glad I got my moment on stage. I put my heart and soul into my performance and I know the past me would have been proud to see it. And speaking of Hunter, he was currently sitting on my bed with Jett in his lap as I walked around my room as I thought hard.

"I have no idea what to sing for this week's assignment." I said, finally giving up as I fell face forward onto my bed as dramatically as I could. A moment later I felt a hand pet my head gently.

"Mind telling me what the assignment is?" He asked, making me realize I didn't tell him yet. Lifting my head to look at him, I took a breath.

"Guilty pleasures."

"Hmmmm sounds interesting. I'm assuming it's music guilty pleasures?" He asked and I nodded before he asked me what mine was.

"Mine? Tell me your's first." I said back instantly, seeing him raise his eyebrows.

"Well that was a bit quick and defensive. Is it super embarrassing?" He asked and to be honest I wasn't sure.

"No........not really.......maybe.....I don't know." I told him as he just said to say it already. 

I decided to sit up now and face him while Jett jumped off of him and onto the floor. Probably to go find his ball that usually somewhere around here.

" swing jazz." I told him but he just gave me a look that seemed like he didn't believe me.

"What?" I asked.

"It makes sense why you also like tap dancing. Are you sure jazz is really your guilty pleasure?" He asked and he did have a point.

"What even is a guilty pleasure?" I asked since I knew, but was also a bit unsure.

"A guilty pleasure is something you enjoy, but would be embarrassed if others found out." He explained and as I gave it some more thought, it finally came to me.

Yeah I'd rather jump off a cliff then tell the glee club my guilty pleasure. Starting to feel warm just thinking about it, hunter must have noticed since he said something.

"What's that face for?" He asked as he leaned closer to my face, but I quickly put a pillow between us so I could hide. Though knowing Hunter it didn't take him long to pull it down and stare at me.

Once A Warbler (Huntbastian)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon