Chapter 44

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Sebastian's POV

Over the weekend I was able to relax and process everything that happened on Friday night, the night of Prom. It helped a lot to talk to Hunter, something which we ended up doing for hours when I came home. We also danced again without everyone staring at us and Hunter even tried on my tiara. It actually weirdly suited him and it was cute seeing him feel all pretty. 

It was a sweet night with him and even though nothing sexy happened, as I wasn't in the mood to go all the way, we just enjoyed each other's company as we talked. We talked until we both fell asleep, still wearing our tuxes, but we didn't care. 

It was now Monday and even though I'm not a fan of the first day of the week, I had a newfound sense of confidence. Hunter was the one who inspired me after I told him how I felt afraid and ashamed to embrace my more feminine side. That I feel like it would just show everyone how truly gay I am and I'd rather not cause unwanted attention. That's why the whole prom queen thing made me feel so bad. Though Hunter said that I'll only ever be truly happy with my life if I'm happy with myself. 

I haven't loved myself in a long time, if ever. At least I can't remember a time that I did. Hunter even confessed to me that he has difficultly loving himself time and time again, but that maybe we should try to love ourselves for each other. That I should embrace myself and show everyone I'm better than them by doing so.

So what if they judge me or hate me? They should be focused on their own damn selves instead of wasting time by obsessing over me in that way. If anything, they're jealous. They're jealous of my confidence to be myself and want to take me down to make themselves feel better. I couldn't help but feel both nervous and excited from Hunter's encouragement, so I decided to do something about it. I'm going to own today and be myself.

Looking through my closet I found my light pink hoodie I've only worn around the house. The only thing feminine about it is the color as it technically is a man's hoodie, but that's just how much people's judgment has effected me. Putting it on, I decided to pair it with some light grey skinny jeans and left my hair unstyled and messy.

My look wasn't super femme, but I'm not super into all that. I prefer touches of femininity or accent pieces. If anything......I think I look cute today. And with that in my mind I made my way to school. As I walked into the building I instantly noticed people staring, but that was to be expected after the whole prom queen incident. 

I couldn't help but feel a bit weird and anxious with all their eyes on me, but I tried my best to push it away as I opened my locker. So what if they're staring at me? I'm a sexy stunning bitch who's better than all these losers. I won a crown and they got nothing. If anything, I look at that tiara and keep moving forward to spite them.

As I sorted through my stuff I checked my phone one last time, looking at the pictures I took last night of me and Hunter wearing the tiara and such. Just seeing his sweet, handsome face brought a smile to mine. Putting my phone away and packing up my backpack, I shut my locker before walking down the hall to first period.

I noticed some cheerleaders looking at me and as I got closer I heard them talking.

"Oh look it's the queen." One of them said in a certain way that I knew all too well what it inferred, but I wasn't going to have my mood be ruined today if I can help it.

They were all standing in front of the classroom I needed to go to, which is plain rude to be honest, so I just didn't slow down as I approached them and kept my chin up. Here we go.

"Move aside peasant." 

I could tell they were not expecting me to say something, especially not something with that kind of attitude. They only hesitated slightly before getting out of my way once they realized I wasn't going to stop and wait. 

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