Chapter 26

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Sebastian's POV

School was pretty uneventful today, but it was a bit different with Puck joining me in the halls. He promised to look out for me and while it was a nice gesture, I was still not that used to hanging out with him much. Most of the day went by in a blur, but as I was packing up for the day, Kurt and Blaine came up to my locker.

"Hey Sebastian." Kurt said in a somewhat cheerful voice, but I could tell he looked a bit awkward. 

"Uhhh hi? What do you want?" I asked them and they apologized for bothering me before continuing.

"Well we sort of missed you in Glee club, not that we're trying to get you back, but we could join us at Breadstix tonight? Maybe we could make it a double date and you can bring your boyfriend." Blaine told me and I almost forgot that I ended up mentioning I had a boyfriend. It was nice of them to offer, but I don't know if I'd feel comfortable. I don't go out that much anymore to be honest.

"Thanks thanks." I said, but Blaine looked a bit sad.

"Why not?" He asked as Kurt gave me a small smile.

"Don't feel like a double date and ummm I kind of need to work on my relationship right now.....sorry." I said, not giving away too much and they seemed to understand before they left me alone.

It's not like that sounded like a bad idea, but I'd like to be a bit closer to Hunter before doing something like that. Though one good thing is that we don't have to hide our relationship anymore. Thinking about Hunter, I thought about what my dad told me about trying to focus on the good feelings instead of the bad ones. Also to focus on the fact that he would't hurt me all of a sudden when he's never hurt me before. I can't believe I thought he would when I know how out of character that is for him. I've never seen him get aggressive, not counting his low key rage in video games, but that's different.

When I got home, I stared at the ceiling of my room while I tried to get into a comfy position on my bed. It wasn't that late in the day, but I had no idea what to do with my time. For some reason I couldn't help but feel lonely and that's when I remembered my earlier thoughts. I then decided I needed to stop avoiding my problems and start solving them. So I texted Hunter to invite him to go out. He didn't reply for a while, but when he did he said he was on his way. Typical Hunter.

I slowly made my way down the stairs, seeing my parents watching TV on the couch. Looked like some reality show or something. I walked a bit closer to them and they finally noticed me.

"Hey bud......what's up?" My dad said, obviously trying to be cool and as embarrassing as some kids might think it is, I find it kind of nice.

"I wanted to tell you that I'm going out boyfriend. If that's ok." I said and they both looked at each other for a moment before telling me it's fine.


"Of course. It's a Friday night and you should have some fun. We'll be fine on our own." My mom said before my dad winked at her, making her roll her eyes. You know what......I don't want to think about that.

"Thanks.....I'll try."

Before I knew it I heard a knock on the door and I made my way over to open it. There he was, handsome as always and my parents were observing from afar.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Smythe." Hunter said, giving them a wave as they realized they were spotted. 

" Hunter is your boyfriend?" My dad asked and we both nodded before I saw my mom smile.

"I called it." She said before my dad brushed her off. 

"Well go an enjoy yourselves, but you better have him back by 10 pm young man." My dad said in a somewhat strict voice, but I could tell he was slightly joking.

Once A Warbler (Huntbastian)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ