Chapter 19

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Sebastian's POV

Smashing all those bottles felt oddly therapeutic and that night I slept the best I've ever slept on my own. Hunter would have stayed the night, but he had to help his dad with some errands. It's been a few days since, but it's also felt like a lifetime. Waking up today I felt more alive than I have in a long time.

Getting out of bed and taking a quick shower, I got dressed in some cleaner clothes. Putting on my classic black skinny jeans along with a white button up shirt and a red sweater over it, I felt like I was looking good today. I decided not to style my hair, going for a more natural messy look today. I grabbed my bag and went on my way to school.

The school day was also pretty uneventful, but that's not a bad thing. I somewhat enjoyed all my classes today, the conversations at lunch were pretty funny, and we were making some serious progress in my dance solo routine. Even Rachel ignored me today. Life seemed good.

Maybe due to being a Friday was why I was in such a good mood. Normally I'd stay inside my room all weekend or rarely come home, but now I had to option to do whatever I wanted without fear of a certain someone coming to ruin the fun. I think I had the perfect idea.

I was going through all the DVDs I had in my family room as I heard a knock on the front door as if on cue. Feeling a smile form on my face, I got up from my spot on the floor as I went to open the door. Letting Hunter in, he gave me a quick kiss once he was inside.

"Happy Friday." He said and I wholeheartedly agreed.

"Soooooo what's the plan today?" He asked as we walked farther into the house, stopping in between the kitchen and family room.

"What do you think about a date night in?" 

"I think that sounds great." He said back as I excitedly went over to the DVDs I had laid out on the floor.

"I was thinking some dinner and a movie. We could order pizza, but I can't decide on a movie. What do you think?" I asked as he sat down on his knees next to me, surveying the DVDs.

"Hmmmmm Jurassic Park is always a classic." 

"I agree, but I also love Legally Blonde."

"What's Legally Blonde about?" He asked and I can't believe he just did.

"You've never seen Legally Blonde?" I asked a bit loudly as he nodded in slight fear.

"Well we have to see it now." I said as he just looked like he knew he wasn't getting out of this.

We then moved onto ordering some pizza, a rare treat I haven't had in a while. Like I eat pizza at school, but that's somewhat sad school pizza. The real thing is so much better. We settled on classic pepperoni and once it arrived we started the movie.

I forgot how good Legally Blonde was and I'm glad Hunter was actually enjoying it too. We ended up eating the whole pizza like the gremlins we are, but it was really good. It was nice to relax with him and laugh. At one point we were acting a bit silly and I decided to tickle him, only to find out he's really ticklish. 

"S-seb! S-stop!" He said before he started to tickle me back. Though as I recoiled away, we accidentally ended up falling off the couch with Hunter awkwardly on top of me.

"Sorry.....but you started it." Hunter said as he was very close to my face with his arms on either side of me. I decided to apologize by leaning up to give him a gentle kiss.

He obviously accepted it as he kissed me back, parting a bit before he kissed me harder and I felt his hands trail down to my thighs. Taking a moment to look into his eyes, I saw something in them that was different than usual. It was kind of hot.

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