Chapter 37

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Sebastian's POV

Waking up in the dark I thought I heard a terrible noise, yet taking a moment to realize it, that noise came from myself. I was screaming a moment ago and I was confused for a moment, but my shaky feeling all over my body told me the feelings of fear were real. Sometimes when you wake up suddenly you forget what you were just dreaming about, but I wished I didn't remember as it just scared me again.

I had a nightmare and as it's been a while since my last one......I was a bit in shock to be honest. I thought I was good in that aspect of my life, that the demon in my dreams was destroyed and thrown away. I guess I was wrong. This time the demon wasn't alone either, but brought a friend. My grandpa.

The 2 of them were persistent and made me feel all kinds of pain I tried to forget over these past months. I felt so trapped and alone, my body vulnerable to anything that wanted to attack me. My stomach oddly felt sore even though my wounds had healed there. Maybe it was because Jett was lying on my stomach and chest, trying to calm me down, but it was only working halfway. I felt like I needed something else.......someone else. 

I slowly sat up, picking the little guy up and placing him farther away on the bed. As I stood up, my footing a bit uneasy as I was still shaky from my nightmare, I took a deep breath only to realize I was crying a bit. I wiped hard at my tears, probably only making my eyes redder than they already are. It also hurt a little bit and I must have a bruise on my face from earlier. Earlier......maybe I shouldn't think of that. Or should I? I don't know.

As I opened my door, looking back to see Jett sprawled out on the bed. He must think I'm better now and his job is done. Like I love him and he's helpful, but not always the brightest. Closing my door and slowly walking down the hallway, I stopped in front of my parent's bedroom door. I feel weird to come to them like this, but they've helped me countless of times. Even when they think they didn't do anything. They've especially helped me when it came to my safety in this family. I can trust them. I want to trust them.

Hoping they could make me feel safe again or at least safer than I felt right now, I finally got the courage to open the door. Walking in I saw them sitting up in bed with surprised faces. I know it's  unusual for me to be here in their room at this hour. I rarely come in their room at any hour to be honest. Stopping a few feet from their bed, I couldn't quite look them in the eye and chose to look at my hands in front of me.

"Hey sweetie......everything alright?" My mom asked and I knew that if I had a nightmare and screamed that they most definitely heard it. All I could do was shake my head in order to take a moment to find my words.

"I.....I know I'm not 5 anymore.......but can I join you? I......I had a nightmare." I said, finally looking up at them. They were both silent for a moment before turning to each other.

"Yeah....of course." My dad said, gesturing for me to come closer.

Awkwardly crawling onto the bed, I decided to settle by sitting between them. It was a bit strange to just sit side my side like this, but this is kind of the closest I've ever really been with them physically. Besides the one time I hugged my mom.

"Do you want to talk about it?" My mom asked and I nodded, but still took a moment as I remembered my nightmare. 

"It was a bad one.......both my uncle and grandpa were in it.....I felt so vulnerable......and alone.....and in so much.....pain." I said, seeing them both look sad and concerned yet I could see a slight hint at something else in my dad's eyes. I wasn't sure what it was though.

"I was scared and my first thought was to find both of you......" I continued, feeling the need to hold their hands in mine. They were nice and warm. 

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