Chapter 2

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Sebastian's POV

The weekend went by faster than I expected, mostly due to staying in my room in fear of aggravating my "dad". Since he's not my real dad, does that mean he's like my step-dad? I'm not exactly sure, but I don't think he's up for a chat about it all. He's barely even said a word to me when we do cross paths, except earlier today he told me he found a new school I'll be attending on Monday. William McKinley High School.

Of course it just had to be that school. The same school with a glee club who hates my guts because I did some not so nice things to some of their members. While I'm not exactly proud of what I did, it's still apart of a longer list of mistakes I've made in my life. So why care what they think of me? They don't know me. They don't know why I do the things I do. Even I don't know all the answers to myself.

Packing up my bag for my first day at a new school, I realized I haven't attended a public school in a long time. I'm sure it's not that different besides the quality of everything and students can get away with a lot more. Maybe it won't be so bad. Then again, it's not like I care about all that. I just want to get through the day with decent grades and minimal drama. 

Arriving at school I obtained my schedule and locker number, deciding to get my combination in my head as I organized my locker. I didn't feel like making it all cool and special, ultimately just dumping my new textbooks in there and calling it a day before I headed off to my first class.

I was surprised that the teachers weren't that bad here, yet I won't deny the fact some of them just seemed.....odd. I wasn't really paying attention much as I doodled some pattern in the side of my notes in the beginning of history. Sitting in the back, I hoped no one would bother me. Though I was surprised to hear my name all of a sudden.

"Sebastian Smythe." The teacher called out and I looked up only to realize he was just calling roll. I just raised my hand as he looked over at me before going back to his list.

After my name was called, I couldn't help but overhear some students talking. They were talking about me. Discreetly looking over, I noticed it was Kurt and Blaine a few rows away.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Kurt whispered as Blaine tried to shush him.

"He probably goes here now." Blaine responded, only for Kurt to ask why would I out of all places go to school here.

"I heard he was expelled from Dalton. Got into a fight or something. Just forget about him Kurt."

"How can I forget about him when he almost blinded-"

"Kurt. Blaine. No talking. Unless one of you can answer the warm up question on the board." The teacher, who I noticed his name tag said Mr. Schuester, said to them. They just shook their heads in response before going quiet for the rest of the class period.

I just tried my best to focus on the subject material, something about the Cold War or whatever. Thankfully the bell rang soon and I gathered up my papers, shoving them into my bag before exiting from the back door of the room. I thought I heard Kurt call out to me as I walked down the hall, but I just ignored him until I couldn't hear him anymore.

I may have tried to block out my surroundings as I went about my day, but even I could tell people were talking about me. It's not a surprise that some people would have heard about me in one way or another, so I should have expected it. What I was not expecting was for some big guy in a jersey to shove me against the lockers hard before walking away with a fucking smile on his face. What's his problem? 

I just tried to brush it off as I got back on my feet. I wish I wasn't so easily pushed around, but that's what happens when you look like a baby tree. I've always been skinny and my growth spurt obviously didn't help with that, it just ended up stretching me out more. At least that asshole didn't break anything.

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