Chapter 25

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Sebastian's POV

It's a bit weird getting used to my parents, as I only found out they're my real parents a bit more than a week ago. I know it will take me a while to get completely comfortable around them in that sense, but I really do want to try. The night they told me everything made me think. I thought about the sacrifices they made and all the effort they put in to get back into my life. They ended up paying off all that debt, got stable jobs, and seem to really love each other. You would never be able to guess that they almost were at a point of breaking up their marriage. 

It's been a few days and not much has really changed between all of us besides we talk more than before and eat dinner together. Though today I want to step a bit more towards them, metaphorically of course. I realized that while I may call them my parents or my mom and dad in my head, I've never actually called them that. And after learning the struggles they went through for me, they deserve to be called those names way more than the people who raised me all these years.

Waking up I felt sore, but that's been pretty normal for me for a while now. I still have nightmares, but they vary in intensity. Listening to music before bed has helped, but one time I missed my alarm because of it and came to school late. Though what has really helped out at bedtime is something I would never tell anyone. Especially people at school. Ever since I was little I've had one of those classic teddy bears and whenever I was scared I would hold it close to me, breathing in it's comforting scent. I almost forgot about it, but when I was trying to reach my phone that I dropped under my bed, I also found my old friend. 

Thanks to the little guy I was able to actually sleep last night, but I still felt tired. I made sure to dress warm today as it was colder than usual and made my way downstairs. I saw my dad looking in the mirror in the hall, adjusting his tie. I couldn't help but notice he looked more professional than usual. I go.

"" I said and he froze for a second before turning to me. I could tell he was trying to play it cool though.

"Uhhh good morning." He said back, smiling a bit now as I walked a bit closer to him. Or well, I hobbled my way over on my crutches. I really can't wait to get this cast off. 

"What's the occasion?" I asked and he looked confused. As I gestured to his clothes he finally got the hint.

"Oh that....I have a meeting with some important people at work today. Got to make a good first impression, you know?" He said and I nodded.

"Well we might as well be on our way. Have all your stuff?" He asked and I nodded again before we headed out the door.

Classes were a bit boring like usual, but in biology there had to be a surprise quiz. Figures. The quiz wasn't super hard yet I was still annoyed by it. I also passed by Mr. Schuester in the hall and he gave me a friendly wave which I returned, but it made me feel a bit of sadness in my chest. I still feel bad for leaving Glee club, but can you blame me after what Rachel said? She made me feel almost guilty for getting abused. Like that's crazy. It's not like I can dance right now anyway, so I would just be depressed if all I could do was gently sway in the background. 

Lunch looked decent today, but for some reason I felt uncomfortable as I went through the lunch line. Maybe it was because I could see the kitchen behind the lunch ladies and I couldn't help but remember certain feelings. So I didn't waste my time in getting my food and sitting by myself, choosing to sit as far away from the kitchen as possible. As I stared out the windows and ate my meal, I started to feel a bit better. I noticed every once in a while someone from the Glee table would look over at me, but I was glad none of them came over to talk.

It looked like they were all having a fun time, chatting amongst themselves and I wonder if they were discussing their plans for Regionals. I can only assume. I noticed Kurt and Blaine being all cute together, making me think of Hunter. I really want to get over my fear of touch for him since all I want to do is get lost in the way he makes me feel. I just want his lips on mine and forget the world. Forget all the pain that resides in it. Though that's easier said than done. 

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