Chapter 41

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Sebastian's POV

Mondays are always the worst day in the week and I'm pretty sure everyone can agree with me on that. Today was definitely one of those days as it started off with me missing my alarm and waking up late. It was like those scenes in a movie where they get ready in like a minute and just put whatever on, not even bothering to brush their teeth or hair. Good thing I have gum in my backpack, but that's not going to help my bedhead, slightly worn out hoodie, and sweatpants. 

I must have looked like a mess but I'm rarely late to school and besides the time I was in the hospital, I have a perfect attendance. My dad could probably tell I was in a state as he didn't say much as he made sure I got to school on time. Once I was seated in first period I finally calmed down a bit. Though my day seemed like it was just going to be a mess like myself.

I totally forgot I had a test today in English and there just had to be a pop quiz in Biology. I also tripped over my own 2 feet in the hall, dropping my phone and cracking the screen. It still works but you know. I even got some not so nice comments by some assholes, the same assholes who tried to pick me up near Valentine's Day. And this all happened before lunch. What else could go wrong?

I just want a break and honestly eating some food and hanging out with the New Directions sounds like what I need. Of course in my class before lunch, art, the teacher held us back because 2 idiots just had to throw clay around. Isn't it a crime to punish the whole class for the actions of a few students? Pretty sure it's in the school handbook or something. 

As I finally was released to eat, I was a bit disappointed that they weren't serving pizza today, but cheeseburgers are fine. Even if they are those sad cheeseburgers all public schools serve. A little ketchup makes a world of difference. Taking a seat at the end of the table we all settled at outside, I noticed Kurt and Blaine staring at me.

"What?" I said, not feeling like getting annoyed today. 

"We're just glad you made it." Blaine said.

"Why wouldn't I come to lunch? Even if the crazy old art teacher held the whole class back to clean up." I said and they seemed oddly suspicious. 

"Uhhh no reason." Blaine said as Kurt looked around awkwardly.

"Why are you 2 acting so weird?" I asked and everyone else somewhat agreed.

"Weird? Us? We're always weird.......right Blaine?" Kurt said, nudging Blaine who quickly nodded.

They continued to deny anything, but as we kept talking I noticed some of them look behind me. Though before I could turn to look, 2 hands covered my eyes suddenly. It caught me a bit off guard, so I did what I thought would be right in the moment. I took one of the hands and tried twisting it away only for me to hear them make a slight noise of pain. Only then I noticed it was Hunter.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, immediately releasing his arm from my hold.

"I came to surprise you.......but didn't expect one in return." He said as he rubbed his wrist. 

"Sorry, but do you think it was a good idea to startle me?"

"Point taken......I deserved it." He said, somewhat apologizing before I asked him what he was doing here.

"Don't you have school?" I asked as Puck agreed.

"I can respect the whole playing hooky thing, but coming to another school is kinda stupid." Puck said and he made a good point. With his uniform on you can easily tell he doesn't go here.

"Well it's lunchtime and after lunch I have a free period. What my teachers don't know won't hurt them. Besides......being here is part of the surprise." He said and I was confused what he meant by that. 

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