Chapter 12

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Sebastian's POV

As we got into Hunter's car and drove away for a bit, he finally said something as he stopped on the side of an empty street.

"Hey....what was that about?" He asked as he turned to look at me.

"What do you mean? I just don't want to deal with him right now."

"Sebastian." He said with that serious voice of his.

"What?" I said a bit too forceful and I could tell he noticed.

"I'm not stupid. I know something is going on and you're not telling me about it." He said and even though he was right, I felt like I'd rather jump off a cliff than tell him.

"I know you're not.....but everything is fine. He just hates me." 

"I know that's wrong. After all this time, I've realized something about you." He said and I didn't like where this is going.

"Realized what? Tell me. Go ahead."

"Usually you would welcome any touch from me, but it's almost as if you're afraid of me instead." He said and I felt bad he felt that way. It's not him, but you know.

"I'm sorry......I'm not afraid of's just.....complicated." 

"I don't care if it's complicated. Just tell me....."

"It's not that simple!" I almost yelled at him, feeling like my throat was getting tighter.

"I'm just trying to help you!" He yelled back louder and I flinched a bit out of habit.

"I'm sorry.....just.....tell me what's going on......please." He almost begged of me, but all I could do was shake my head as I felt tears in my eyes.

"Sebastian. I'm worried about you. I saw how you reacted around your dad and I saw the beer bottles in the fridge and the trash. I'm more observant than you think." He told me, realizing that maybe he could kind of tell what was going on yet needed my admittance to the fact to prove his theory.

"I'm scared.......I'm so scared Hunter....." I started to say as I felt my tears start to fall. I couldn't hold it in any longer. Before I knew it I was a sobbing mess, not even caring as I felt his arms wrap around me as we just sat in the car like this for who knows how long.

"'s ok......" He said as I felt him stroke my hair as my head laid against his chest.

"No it's not! He's a haven't seen him.......when he drinks......" I said between sobs as I felt like my chest was on fire.



"Your dad hits you.....doesn't he?" He asked and even though I denied it to my teachers before, why bother now? Hunter could tell if I lied to him anyway. I just nodded and I saw his face instantly fall as he hugged me tighter.

"He......he isn't my dad." I told him, finally deciding to let someone else know for once.

"What? Then who is he?"

"My step-dad probably......he married my mom after I was born." I told him, relaxing a bit in his embrace. 

"He only tolerated me while my mom was alive. Turns out he's a huge homophobic asshole who lets out all his frustrations on my body......" I said, feeling oddly defeated now.

"We need to report him." Hunter said, suddenly filling me with energized fear as I sat up more to look at him.

"N-no no it'll just get worse. Please don't." I begged, fearing he'd get hurt if he were to get involved. We're kids, what can we even do?

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