Chapter 28

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Sebastian's POV

I thought over and over about Rachel's apology last night and maybe I was in the wrong. While what she said to me was almost unforgivable based on what I went through, who am I to judge her? I can't speak on her behalf as much as she can't speak on mine. We've never been close and I don't know her, so I guess I can't blame her for not understanding. After all, I did do some terrible things to her and her boyfriend. I can understand why she'd want to hold a grudge about that as I'd do the same if someone were to do something similar to Hunter.

As much as I felt everything in me saying I should push her away and never forgive her......I also felt a weird need to give her a chance. In recent weeks my whole life seems to have changed drastically, so I've been looking at things from a different perspective. Whether I was forced to or it just came to me naturally. So I was going to listen to what she has to say today, whether I really want to or not. Doesn't mean I'll exactly forgive her, but the least I can do is this. 

She didn't approach me all day, but I decided to stop my the Glee club room after the final bell rang. I made sure to text my dad to say I might be a bit late since I needed to talk to a teacher and he seemed to understand. As I came closer to the room I heard the familiar chatter and some instruments playing casually. Though as I stood in the doorway they all went silent as they stared at me.

"Hey......can I talk to you, Rachel?" I asked and she looked surprised, but after muttering a word to Finn she eventually came over and we walked into the hall before stopping.

"I realize I may have been a bit rude and well......I want to hear everything you have to say." I said as she seemed to look a bit bad.

"You had every right to be rude since I said some terrible things to you." She said, looking down for a moment as I slightly leaned against the wall.

"I didn't believe you at first, but after doing some digging......I realized it was true and found out what you really went through." She said and I could tell from her voice that she seemed like she wasn't putting on an act.

"I may not like you and even hated you at one point, but I'd never want you to suffer like that. No one should. I'm sorry I thought you made it up." She said and I weirdly believed her.

"It's fine. I used to be a grade A asshole to you and everyone in the club. I get why you'd hold a grudge."

"Yeah......but I was also jealous of you."

"Jealous of me? Why?" I asked, shocked since she may be annoying but she's one of the most talented people I know.

"You were competition before you joined the New Directions, so I was upset Mr. Schue gave you a dance solo. It's stupid since a dance solo and a singing solo aren't exactly comparable." She said, seeing she realized she was a bit foolish for feeling that way and I could understand. 

"You are a really good dancer, Sebastian. Your singing isn't bad either and I feel terrible for making you there any chance you could come back?" She asked and I wasn't sure what to say for a moment. Like I'd love to join Glee club again, but I was a bit unsure.

"I quit for my own reasons. While the....incident was a while ago, I still have issues I'm dealing with. I just don't know if I feel ready to come back." I told her, but she tried to persuade me.

"I've heard music is the best might help you get back on your feet.....sorry." She said, realizing a moment later of her bad joke but it was a bit funny.

"Thanks for the offer.......but I'll think about it." I said before I told her I had to go.

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