Chapter 8

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Sebastian's POV

Tonight was the night of Brittany's party and I was a bit excited. I haven't been to a party in a long time and Hunter was also coming. At first he seemed a bit hesitant to go, but after some persuasion he finally caved. Maybe I'll get to see a different side of him......or not, but you never know.

I tried to dress a bit nicer for the party since I felt like it. I even styled my hair for once after just letting it have a mind of it's own for the past few weeks. I put on some grey skinny jeans along with a white button up shirt. Since it was getting chilly lately, I put on a tan cardigan over it. Buttoning up the cardigan and popping up my collar, I think I was good to go. Perfect timing, as not a moment later my phone buzzed.


Why does he always text like that? Is he part robot or something? I made sure to text him back to let him know I'll be out in a moment. My "dad" was home and I didn't want to provoke him, so I decided to climb out my window. You always see it in movies, but it's harder than it looks. I eventually managed to push it up and open, along with the screen too. Making sure not to fall, I kneeled down on the roof and closed my window. With my window closed, my door locked, and my lights off, it's as if I just went to sleep and hopefully my "dad" won't be any wiser.

I slowly walked along the roof to the front of the house and spotted Hunter's car across the street. He just so happened to look over and I could see the shock in his face as he saw me climb down the side of my house. It wasn't easy, but I managed to fall down onto the grass without breaking anything. I call that success. 

I quickly made my way across the street and into his car and he didn't hesitate to ask me what the hell I was doing on the roof.

"I had to sneak out. Didn't you have to do the same?"

"Yeah, but I didn't do it MacGyver style. I used the back door like a normal person." 

"Whatever. Let's just go already." I told him as he put the car back into drive and we were on our way. On the car ride over I only then noticed he looked good. 

Hunter was wearing black jeans along with a white shirt and a jean jacket to complete the look. I know I shouldn't be checking out my friend like this, but can you blame me? He's pretty good looking and we have kissed before. In fact, he's one of the best kissers I've met and that's saying something.

Before I knew it we were at Brittany's house. I could tell the party must have already started since we weren't the only car there. Hunter decided to park a bit down the street away from the house, but I didn't mind. I could tell he hesitated in his seat as we were still in the car for a moment after he turned it off.

"Hunter?" I asked and he looked at me.

"Have you ever been to a party?"


"What? Not even back in Colorado? Don't people there now how to live it up?" I asked and he sighed.

"I'm a good kid, ok? That's why my dad can't know about this. Also I'm just not really a party person I guess." He said and I could tell he felt a bit awkward. I was awkward at my first party, so I get it.

"Ok, but don't worry. It's gonna be fun, trust me." I said before getting out of the car. He took a moment more, but he eventually got out and followed me inside. 

Once inside I saw pretty much every from Glee club along with some cheerleaders and football players. The party wasn't a very big one, but it sounded like one. 

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