Chapter 11

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Sebastian's POV

Monday mornings. No one likes them. Especially me after this weekend. My "dad" was a bit more aggressive than usual, but I think it's because of work stressing him out too much. He recently got handed a case that's been a bit difficult to say the least. Makes sense he would take out that frustration on me. 

Drying myself off after my morning shower, I couldn't help but stare at my naked body in the mirror. The multiple bruises all over my skin looked disgusting. Good thing it's fall now and it's been getting colder, meaning I can wear more layers to hide the damage. Though looking again at my torso.....I felt a weird twinge in my stomach. Maybe waiting till Hunter is ready to have sex isn't all that bad. At least he won't see this. It would probably be a major turn off anyway.

I don't need to have sex with him. In fact, I'm perfectly fine if we never did it. Maybe I just haven't felt very sexy in a while, but that just makes me feel worse whenever he turns me on. You would have to be blind to say that Hunter isn't attractive. No wonder when we hang out and share a kiss that I feel something down there. I can't help it.

Of course just thinking about him is making me get a boner. Knowing I didn't have much time till school started, I quickly took care of that business before getting dressed and heading out the door without running into a certain someone. 

School wasn't very interesting like usual, but I got through my classes fairly well before made my way to lunch. I know some of the New Directions still hate me, but at least tolerate my presence for the sake of the team. A good amount of them actually get along with me though. I can tell Kurt and Blaine worry about me and want to try to get close to me, but I've made it clear that they should leave me alone. 

I was somewhat enjoying myself as I watched a casual conversation between them all before I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I was a bit confused since I don't usually get texts during school, but I quickly knew it was probably from Hunter. He's basically the only one who texts me besides Mercedes, but Mercedes was sitting next to me and clearly not on her phone. 






I was surprised by Hunter's boldness, but I couldn't help but smile knowing today was going to be fun later. He hasn't had much time to spend with me for the last week, so it was nice to hear from him even in text form. Though my smile was soon cut short as it was obvious someone noticed.

"What are you smiling about?" Rachel asked like she still suspects I have something nefarious up my sleeve. Which I don't......unless you count domestic abuse.

"None of your business." I said a bit too snappy, but I hated how she ruined my good mood by just her voice. 

"No need to be rude. I was just curious since you never smile like that." She said and I guess she had a point. Now of course most of the people at the table were curious and I wasn't sure what to say. I don't want to tell them the truth but I can't exactly lie. Can't think of that great a lie anyway.

"Fine.....if you wanna know.......I have a date tonight." I said and they all looked surprised. 

"Sebastian that's great. Who's your date?" Blaine asked like a curious teenage girl which was to be expected I guess.

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