Chapter 22

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Sebastian's POV

Everything seems to bland to me now. The sky, the sympathetic smiles on the doctor's faces, even the music playing on the car radio on the ride home. Looking out the window from the back seat, it was like the world was passing me by and I didn't mind it was. I was too tired to care to be honest. 

Arriving back home was a bit surreal. It looked as if nothing had happened and maybe I should just forget it anyway. Maybe I was still a bit out of it from the pain medication, but I didn't feel the need to be on guard in case my step-dad came back in the room.

"You must be about we make the couch up for you?" I heard my aunt say as she walked in front of me. I just shook my head as I didn't have the energy to talk. I slowly made my way to the stairs, but they called out to me.

"Crutches and stairs aren't a good mix. The couch would be a better option." My uncle said but I just wanted to be in my bed.

"I'm fine." I managed to get out as I slowly made my way up the steps, alternating my good foot and crutch as I eventually made it to the top. I noticed they followed me from a distance before I stopped in front of my door.

"What?" I asked.

"Is there anything we can do? Anything you need?" She asked and I shook my head.

"I just want to sleep."

"Ok.....we'll be nearby if you need us." He said as I made my way into my room, clumsily closing the door behind me.

I didn't take long to make my way over to my bed, practically falling onto it as I dropped my crutches on the floor. I shifted around to get comfy, but that wasn't that easy. At least my bed was more plush than the somewhat stiff bed in the hospital. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.

The first days back home was a bit of a blur, but it was weird having people actively check on me and ask how I was doing. I think Hunter came over once too, but I think I was a bit too tired to really do much. Though as I got more adjusted to reality, that's when things started to get worse in my head. The nightmares started again and they just got worse every time I closed my eyes.

Tonight's was especially bad. It was like I was there again, on the kitchen floor. I tried to crawl backwards, my legs feeling like dead weight as he loomed over me. He made a grab for my body, sinking his knife like hands into my stomach in order to drag me to him. The pain felt so real, so intense, I screamed like my life depended on it before everything went black.

Though this time the blackness didn't stay, but it was still dark around me as I heard what I soon realized was my own voice yelling out into the night. My throat felt like sandpaper and my limbs were tight as a stretched rubber band. 

"Sebastian!" I heard a voice say back to me above my own, soon feeling a hand touch my arm. No no no please. Get away.

Without even thinking much, I flailed my arms to push away my attacker but soon after a light was turned on. Once adjusting to the brightness, I saw my aunt and uncle sitting on my bed on either side of me. My uncle was holding his nose and only then I realized I must have hit him in the face.

"It's ok sweetie. It was just a nightmare. You're safe." My aunt said in a gentle voice and taking a moment to look around me, seeing that no one was hurting me, I finally calmed down a bit.

"I-i'm sorry......"

"It's ok. You didn't know." My uncle said after recovering for a moment.

"W-what time is it?" I asked, trying to focus on something else.

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