Chapter 21

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Sebastian's POV

I felt like my body was as stiff as wood. As I tried to move, I felt pain radiate in my stomach, finally getting me to open my eyes. Though once I opened them I saw that I was not in my room. This was not my bed. I was in a hospital. I've never been in one before, at least never in a bed like this with things hooked up to me. I started to panic for some reason, but I didn't have the energy to move much. I tried to sit up, only for me to wince and let out a noise of pain.

"Don't sit up. Doctor's orders." I heard a voice say as I saw a lady come over to my bedside. She seemed nice, so I listened to her yet kept my eye on her too.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, like it wasn't obvious.

"Like fucking shit." I said as I heard the door open and a man came in to join her. Taking a look at them it was clear they knew each other, but how did they know me?

"Who are you?" I asked and they looked at each other for a moment.

"You don't remember us?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I'm your aunt Nora and this is your Uncle Henry." She said and I nodded.

"Ok.......what are you doing here?"

"We......we saved your life." He said, making me think back and I remembered 2 people coming in to stop my step-dad. Just thinking about it made me start to freak out and I heard some monitor start to beep fast.

"Hey's ok. He's not going to hurt you anymore." My uncle said as he came closer, putting a hand on my arm only for me to flinch away from him. 

"Sorry...." He apologized as he backed away.

They just stood there as they looked awkward, not knowing what to say. I took a moment to look out the window and saw it looked pretty bright out. I knew it must be the next day. The day of Sectionals and I'm fucking missing it. They probably all hate me now for ditching them.

"Is there anything we can do for you?" My aunt said, but I didn't care.

"I want to be alone." I said and surprisingly they listened, slowly walking out of the room. They did say they'll be nearby if I need them though.

Staring out the window, watching the clouds go by, I thought of everything. How I messed up with Glee club, the whole incident with my step-dad, and being in this hospital. Taking a moment to look at my body I could see that my leg was in a cast. Guess I'll say goodbye to dancing. I felt so broken, so tired, so......numb. The pain I felt a moment ago isn't even bothering me now. In fact, I welcome it.

I could have died last night. Maybe I should have. The world would be a better place without me messing it up just by existing. I don't even know what to feel right now if I'm being honest, but I know I don't feel good.


Hunter's POV

I never heard back from Sebastian and I texted and called him as much as I could. I even drove by his house, but no one answered when I checked. It was just empty and quiet. I was really starting to worry now. Maybe it's not as bad as I think. Maybe he ran away. No that sounds out of character. If he did run away then he'd probably just crash with me.

As I tried to ignore the anxious thoughts in my head, I heard someone talking down the hall and it didn't take me long to realize they were talking about Sebastian. I had to get closer since any news about him is news to me.

"To be honest, I saw it coming from miles away. Besides, a little force always helps to set people like him straight. Get it?" Tony said, all of them laughing a bit at the end until I walked into their circle.

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