Chapter 39

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Sebastian's POV

Today was finally Regionals and for once I felt the most nervous I've ever felt. I don't even know why. I've performed several times on stage, singing and dancing solos with the Warblers, but now it feels different. I used music as an escape from the darkness in my life and it's helped me a lot. Then I remembered that since I missed Sectionals, this would be my first time performing on stage with the New Directions. 

If I mess up......they'll probably hate me. It's not like they hate me right now, but they don't exactly love me. Guess I just don't want to let them down. I'm just worried about my solo and not getting everything right. I practiced a lot and got it all down by muscle memory, but it's natural to have doubts......right?

As my dad parked the car at the concert hall we were performing at, I started to feel more of my nerves. Getting out of the car it felt like my legs were shaky and didn't want to move right, but I walked anyway. As we were still in the parking lot, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

" ok?" My dad asked as I swallowed hard for a moment before nodding.

"You sure? Cause it looks like you saw a ghost or something."

"Don't laugh........but.......I'm nervous." I said as I saw my parents look more sympathetic rather than surprised. Then again, neither of them have seen me perform and probably don't know that this isn't normal for me.

"Every great performer gets nervous before shows." He said as my mom came closer.

"We know you've been practicing hard these past few days. You're going to crush it." She said and hearing their words made me feel a bit better, but not completely. 


We eventually made our way inside and it was pretty lively. People were chatting and walking around, but thankfully it didn't take me long to find my team. Walking over to them, Mr. Schuester greeted me before my parents said hello.

"Ah so we finally meet." Mr. Schuester said as he shook my dad's hand.

"Yeah. We've heard things about you. Good things of course." My dad said.

"Thanks for being there for Sebastian when we couldn't. We know how important all of this is to him." My mom said, making me feel a bit awkward as I just stood there.

"You're welcome. I know how powerful music can be. I was actually in glee club myself back in the day." Mr. Schuester said.

"Really? So were we." My dad said before I slowly managed to escape them to join the rest of my team who were sitting around on some couches nearby.

"Hey guys....." I said as I approached them. 

"Hey you made it. I was worried you wouldn't since it was getting late." Mercedes said, making me apologize for the traffic even though that wasn't my fault. Ok maybe it took me a bit long to get ready, but our costumes included a bowtie for the guys and neither me or my dad know how to tie one. That secret is safe with me though.

"Are those your parents?" Kurt asked, pointing to my mom and dad talking with Mr. Schuester.

"Yeah. I just barely escaped their talk about the "old days" of Glee clubs." I told him and he immediately understood. It's like when you go to the grocery store and your mom stops to talk with some old friend from church you don't even remember and they end up talking forever.

As I relaxed with everyone for a bit, it soon came time for us to go backstage to prepare for our performance. We were going first, so of course my nerves came back as I warmed up, pacing back and forth as I mentally went through my moves and lines. Anyone could tell I was nervous, and several of my teammates tried to check on me, but I said I was fine. I don't want to bother them. Maybe I was just hoping for the nerves to pass by themselves.

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