Chapter 33

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Sebastian's POV

I was comfortable and warm as I held Hunter close to me. We touched each other gently and talked casually, just enjoying the moment together. 

"I feel like I should have done something romantic today, but I couldn't think of anything much." Hunter said and I kissed his cheek for a moment.

"I know what you mean. I even asked Kurt and Blaine for advice, but we're not exactly like them."

"Yeah, we're way better." He said as he turned his head a bit to look at me with a smile.

"Besides, I think today was a great day. We don't need fancy flowers or expensive dinner to show how much we love each other." I said as he stared at me.

"Dinner in general sounds nice though......" He said and he had a point. It was starting to get a bit dark now, so I can only assume how much time had passed. 

"I have an idea......put on some clothes." I told him, trying to get up, but he pulled me back which made me somewhat fall on top of him. I felt his arms wrap around my lower back as he gave me a certain look.

"Hunter......" I said, giving him a look that said "what are you doing".

"That idea could wait 5 minutes...." He said as he leaned up to kiss me. I couldn't say no to a kiss, but once I felt his hands travel to my ass, I had to stop him.


"What?" He asked, giving me a slightly innocent look.

"As fun as round 2 sounds......I am a bit hungry and I said I had an idea. Please?" I asked, patting his chest lightly as I tried to give him my best persuasion face. He just stared at me for a while before finally letting out a sigh.

"Fine.....what's your idea?" He asked as he finally loosened his grip and I managed to get up to put on a hoodie and sweatpants nearby. 

"It's a surprise." I said, giving him a playful wink before throwing his shirt back at him.

Hunter's POV

I was curious as to what the surprise was, so I went along with it. He dragged me back downstairs with him, hand in hand, as we went to the kitchen. Jett came over, probably thinking we'd give him some more food like usual. Though Sebastian told me he's been fed already and I can't believe I almost fell for those adorable puppy dog eyes.

"Soooo......can you tell me your idea now?" I asked as I saw him open up the pantry to grab some things, eventually putting them on the counter. I noticed there was some cocoa powder and some chocolate chips, but I was a bit unsure what they would make.

"We're going to bake.....together. I think I have all the ingredients for brownies. You do like brownies, right?" He asked and I didn't see this coming, but it sounded a bit fun. In the end we get to eat, so I'm down for that.

"Who doesn't like brownies?" I asked back as he smiled. I love it when he smiles like that. I can see the happiness that isn't fake and knowing that in turn makes me happy.

We didn't have a recipe, but Sebastian swore he knew it in his I trusted his knowledge and we soon got to work. Once the ingredients were all mixed together, I helped pour it into the pan to make sure it didn't spill anywhere. It smelled pretty good and I couldn't help but lick the spoon as he put it in the oven, but when he closed it and looked back at me he gave me a face.

" know that has raw eggs in it, right? You could get salmonella." He said as he walked over with his arms crossed. 

"I've done this countless times and I've never gotten sick.......want some?" I asked, offering the spoon in front of his face and he looked intrigued for a moment before he gave it a cautious lick.

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