Chapter 31

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Sebastian's POV

Ever since Jett finally got me to step into the kitchen, it doesn't seem as bad anymore. I still feel a bit uneasy, but I've been slowly getting more comfortable the more I pretend like everything is normal and do what I need to do. I still have a while to go before I feel comfortable around knives and the stove, but I can at least wash dishes, get things from the pantry and fridge, and just be there. At first I felt like I needed to get over this fast, but my mom once told me that "progress is progress, no matter how small" and I understand that now. Someone may think being able to walk into my kitchen is nothing, but they don't know about the vivid nightmares I would have about this room. 

Waking up to Jett's tail smacking me in the face, I got the hint that I needed to get up already. As I got out of bed, checking my phone to see if there was anything new, I realized that Valentine's Day is at the end of this week and I have no idea what to do. I've never really celebrated it with anyone like Hunter. While it's not like I haven't had a boyfriend before, it's just never been serious like this and I feel like I should do the holiday justice for him. He's helped me through a lot and has always been there for me even when I tried to push him away. He almost broke into my house to check on me. Now that's devotion. Or maybe he's just a little bit crazy. Either way I love him just the same.

Taking a shower like usual to wake myself up, I couldn't help but look at my chest and stomach, the scars there still quite noticeable. They don't hurt anymore, but just brushing my fingers over them make me want to cringe inside as they bring back some not so pleasant memories. While those memories don't hurt as much as they used to, I still don't particularly like remembering all of that. Though I know they won't just magically go away, I just need to learn to live with them.

Putting on some simple black jeans and a red hoodie, I made my way downstairs just in time as my dad was about to check on me. We were running a tad late, my bad for not hearing my alarm I guess. The ride to school was more or less quiet until my dad asked me something.

"Soooo Valentine's Day is coming up...." He said and I wondered what his angle was.

"Yeah.....what about it?" 

"I want to treat your mom, but I have no idea what to do." He told me as we stopped at a red light, only for him to quickly but lightly slam his forehead into the steering wheel. Guess we think alike.

"I know how you feel. I don't what I should do either with Hunter. He's like oh I'm fine with whatever, but I want to show him how much I love him." I somewhat ranted out as my dad just nodded his head in agreement. 

"Well you're both in Glee clubs, so why not sing to him with everyone's help? That sounds romantic." He suggested and I felt like my entire body was in an oven.

"I'd rather die then serenade him and live with that embarrassment." I said as I just tried to shrink into my seat.

"Ok ok.....maybe that was overkill. You could still sing to him when it's just the 2 of you." He suggested this time and while that didn't sound as bad, I didn't want to do that. Felt weird to think about singing my emotions and love to him for some reason.

"I don't know......why don't you sing to mom?"

"Well I guess that might be's been a while since I last sang though." He said and I can imagine as I've never heard him sing.

"I'm sure you'll think of something." I told him as we arrived at my school and I soon got out.

As I walked into the school I could tell people were getting ready for Valentine's Day, everyone wearing more red and pink and couples seeming more lovey dovey in the halls. I didn't plan to wear red as I just have several shirts and hoodies in that color, but at least I fit in. As I opened my locker I was surprised to see a note fall out. Bending down to pick it up, I managed to read it as I stood back up and it was an......interesting message.

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