🍀 Chapter - 42 🍀

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VANSH: Riddhu it's almost your brunch time. Chalo first you have something.

RIDDHIMA: No Vansh. I'm full. I drank thandai with Ajay Uncle woh bhi full glass.

VANSH: Okay. Then just have a handful of dry fruits.


Vansh & Riddhima went to kitchen. Vansh gave her a handful of dry fruits & she finished it. Then both went outside & joined them. When they came they saw that all were playing with water. Vansh dragged Riddhima there. All enjoyed Holi to the fullest till lunch time. After that all went to their room, took shower & got ready & came for lunch. After lunch Riddhima went to her room. She messaged Kiyaan, Angre & Vansh to come to her room.

Trio reached her room.

KIYAAN: What happened Di?

RIDDHIMA: Kiyaan woh I'm feeling muscle soreness, sleepy & a bit dizzy too.

VANSH: From when Riddhu?

RIDDHIMA: After lunch.

ANGRE: Mein abhi Zala Uncle ko call karta hoon.

Angre called Zala while Vansh made her sleep. Kiyaan & Vansh were sitting on her both side taking her hand in their hand.

ANGRE: Hello Zala Uncle.

ZALA: Hi Angre.

ANGRE: Uncle Di is having muscle soreness, sleepiness & dizziness.

ZALA: Anything else.

Riddhima nodded in no.

ANGRE: No Uncle.

ZALA: It's post panic attack effects. She just needs rest. Check her heart rate & call me if these symptoms continues even after an hour.

ANGRE: Okay.

They cut the call. Kiyaan sat beside her & took her head in his lap while Angre holded her hand.

ANGRE: Di take rest. Everything is normal. It's just post effect okay. Don't take stress.

Riddhima nodded & closed her eyes. While Kiyaan was stroking her hairs. All the three boys eyes were teary. All were just trying to be strong for her. That one hour passed like a hell for three of them. An hour passed but she was in deep slumber. Angre stood up & checked her heart rate which was normal.

Vansh holded her hand tightly in his both hands & kept it on his forehead. He was not able to control more. After sometime Riddhima opened her eyes & saw that her three lifelines were sitting with her.

ANGRE: Di how are you feeling now?


VANSH: Riddhu you freshen up & come. I'll get juice for you.

RIDDHIMA: Vansh I want to have pineapple juice.

VANSH: Okay.

Vansh went to get pineapple juice for her. She went to freshen up. Angre shook Kiyaan.

ANGRE: Kiyaan handle yourself. Di is fine.

The tears which Kiyaan was holding from past one hour flowed down 😢😢😭. He just stood up & went to his room. Riddhima came out after freshening up.

ANGRE: Di how are you still having muscle soreness, dizziness or sleepiness?

RIDDHIMA: No Angre. I'm feeling absolutely normal now. But where did Kiyaan went?

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