"What are you doing out here? It's a little early don't you think?" Del questioned, sure she was also out in the cold but this was Sirius Black she was speaking to, the boy that would hex anyone for interrupting his 'beauty sleep'.

"I had a nightmare," He shrugged, finding no reason to not tell her the truth, "I went to come out here for a distraction and saw you and you seemed like you needed to be blessed with my presence."

Del raised a surprised eyebrow at his answer, Sirius was not one to share about personal experiences, he hadn't even told Peter, James, or Remus about his constant sleep paralysis.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Del offered, quickly transforming into her fifth year 'therapist friend' self.

"Do you?" Sirius challenged, the both of them knew he wasn't referring to his own trauma, but hers.

Del went to roll her eyes and deny as she had been doing towards everyone else until she came down to a realisation, Sirius Black was the closest to figuring out what happened to her, there was no point in trying to find excuses to keep covering up her tracks when it came to him, he already made it crystal clear that his mouth was shut when it came down to their one on one conversations and she would rather him know the truth then let him fill his head with possible scenarios.

As Del stalled, deep in thought, Sirius watched intensely, he was close on giving up on trying to get her to open up to him, but now he felt, no he knew, that they were getting somewhere, she was finally growing comfortable with him, growing trust with him, so sitting taller up he continued to stay silent as he pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his new leather jacket that he wore almost everyday, and instead of just grabbing one he pulled out two before reaching it out for her to grab.

"You sure?" Del asked quietly with wide eyes, she was scared that if she started, then she wouldn't be able to stop and she wasn't referring to the addictive drug that was being held out to her.

"Only if you're ready," Sirius breathed out, his heart pounding as a thin layer of sweat, despite the frigid temperature, began to form on his forehead.

Del reached out and picked out the cigarette from his hand and placed it into her mouth, leaning towards him slightly as he lit the tip with his wand, nodding slightly at his question.

"Would you like me to go first?" Sirius asked hesitantly, it would only be fair for him to open up to her if he expected her to do the same.

"Sirius, you don't have to."

"Unless you don't want to hear then there is nothing holding me back." He joked slightly, nudging her shoulder as they both sat in silence, both collecting as much nicotine into their systems as possible without getting sick.

"If you open up then it would only seem fair for me to do the same." Del replied with the same 'careless' tone as she sighed overdramatically with a shrug which made the two break out into small smiles.

"I must warn you, my story isn't for the lightest of hearts, hashtag trigger warning." Sirius grumped as they both moved to sit 'criss-cross' from across each other.

Del nodded for him to continue, fearing slightly for what was about to come.

"It would be easiest if I just show you." Sirius claimed as he turned around to check their surroundings to make sure no one was around before he grabbed his wand and pointed it towards his chest and made a counterclockwise circle.

Del's heart saddened once she easily recognized what he had just done, Sirius Black had been using a concealment charm.

Doing another surroundings check Sirius inhaled deeply before he removed his leather jacket and thin sleep shirt, showing his toned abdomen towards the girl.

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