Del looked over to her dresser to see a small bunch of clothes piled on top.

With a regretful laugh she looked over to Marlene, knowing she wouldn't be able to get out of the situation with a no, she nodded.

"Yes! Oh Del you have no idea how much I love you right now, and I already know you are going to be such a gorgeous doe." Marlene spluttered out.

Del rolled her eyes as she stood up and began walking to the door, hoping she could go back to her reading, before they were interrupted by Marlene's yell, Del and Remus were reading the same book as they talked with each other about what they liked and disliked about it, Sirius was on the verge of falling asleep from how late it had been and how surprisingly soothing the two voices were, Peter was sitting on the love seat next to them perched up listening to there critiques, and James was sat next to Remus, engrossed with admiration as he did his homework, occasionally taking breaks to watch Del read, he noticed that even the smallest acts made him feel weak to his knees.

The way that when she read something she disagreed with her brows would furrow ever so slightly as her head would instinctively tilt to the side.

Or the way that every time she talked about something she was truly interested in she would wear a genuine smile, her nose would scrunch ever so slightly, and she would use her hands dramatically like she was acting the scene out.

Back in the girls dorm, Del realized she was free to leave. She practically raced up the stairs, but made sure to slow down when she got close to the top so it wouldn't look like she was desperate to get back to her spot.

Sirius and James' ego would be sky high and they would never let her live it down.

When she entered the common room peacefully Sirius' head shot off the couch since he insisted on 'saving her spot' and he waited before Del sat back down before replacing his head onto her lap and passed her the book she was currently reading with Remus.

Pride and Prejudice.

The three boys had waited peacefully yet impatiently for Del to begin reading again since Remus had insisted on not reading before Del got back.

When Del finally got the hint she opened her book to get to the correct spot and by just reading the first sentence she was already opening her mouth to say all her thoughts.

The five of them stayed out in the common room for hours reading, laughing, and critiquing before they all fell asleep, their only light source being the fireplace's orange hue.

* * *

"Merlin's Beard! These rascals need to learn that the common room is not their own personal dorm, they can't just have a mini sleepover down here!" Lily said sternly as she and Alice entered the Gryffindor sitting area.

"What are you talking abou- Oh that is just the cutest!" Mary said as she saw all the boys cuddled up with Del in the middle, Peter had found a way to sit himself comfortably on the couch leaving everyone bunched together.

"We should wake Del up before Marlene comes down here, she would never let her live this down." Alice started with a laugh.

"What shouldn't I see?" Marlene asked as she and Dorcas also entered the room, when Marlene looked at the couch it took her a while to comprehend what was in front of her but when she saw Del's head resting on Remus' shoulder a sly smile grew on her face.

She ran down to grab her polaroid camera that Remus introduced to her and ran back up to take multiple muggle photos.

Marlene swore that this would be her new Christmas card.

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